Salted Caramel Butter Cream

Michelle Norton
2 min readNov 28, 2011


J. had some extra molasses laying around and I thought we should use it up. He bought different types of molasses (not different brands, different types), so I couldn’t combine the bottles. The interwebs brought me this:

Always With Butter

The cake is okay. It really is a molasses cake. Tastes better after being refrigerated. Makes it kind of like a black forest cake except more molasses. If you don’t like molasses, avoid this cake. If you like molasses and it’s too much for you, try pouring some unsweetened cream over it.

But the buttercream? OH DEAR LORD I WOULD EAT THIS WITHOUT CAKE. DO I NEED CAKE FOR THIS? According to the website it either came from or Martha Stuart’s Cup Cake book. I found a similar recipe at Also I didn’t have powered sugar, so I substituted it with sifted granulated sugar and some tapioca powder. Trust me, it didn’t matter as far as the flavor goes, but it makes the frosting crunch, like putting regular sugar in whipping cream. I really like that but if you want it totally creamy, use powder sugar.

  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 1/4 cup heavy cream
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 12 tbsp butter, softened
  • 1 tsp sea salt (experiment with different types of seal salt)
  • 1 cup powdered sugar

Step 1 Make Caramel

Stir regular sugar and water together in small saucepan. Once mixed, turn the burner on medium/high and let it come to a boil. DO NOT STIR. Let it boil until it turns a DARK AMBER color. Take it off the heat and stir in cream, and vanilla. Let it sit until it is completely cool. Warning: if you taste it will taste burnt. THAT IS OKAY. Trust me here, this will work.

Step 2 Make butter cream

Cream the butter salt and powdered sugar together. When the caramel is cool, slowly pour it into the mixture as it’s being beaten and beat until thoroughly mixed. Chill until set. Or eat with spoons. If you’re all alone, just lick the damn bowl. I won’t tell.

Originally published at MJN.

