ROMAD, Blockchain Integration and the future of Cyber Security.

Tn Odu
3 min readJan 23, 2019


To understand ROMAD, we need to understand what a Malware Family is then.

To understand malware families, we need to talk about genes first.

In life, every person is born into a family. No matter who he/she is or where he/she comes from. Actually this individual comes to the world through a pedigree; that peculiar blood of ancestors that more or less share the same DNA through genes that have been passed down from generations to generations. You see, this person’s blood is distinct enough to be an individual, yet hardcoded to belong to this line of Ancestors, and such code in his or her genes hinges solely on who the mother and father is.

Viruses, worms, exploits, ransom and malware code are no different to human beings. All were born into this world from a family: a peculiar set of code that more or less share the same DNA whether they be snippets from a peculiar author, attack pattern, design code, and so on. This ‘pedigree’ of commonality is what millions of malware share, so we clearly can see that true Families of malware are no larger than 250 different types in the overwhelming species we call malware.

Not too different from life where we have one human species, one human race, but various morphologic families like race (Caucasian, African, Oriental, North European) to more phenotypic families like Dexterity, Gigantism, Dwarfism, Autism, Psychic ability to Disability. The list is endless for the human race, but remember this is just an analogy of a very complex process we call life, but let’s hope you get the gist.

So yes, all malwares come from families and have siblings just like you. These siblings are the bone of contention, because on the Dark Net, rouge agents known as CRYPTERS do the job of ‘birthing’ a new strain or sibling of a malware family and sending it out to do the wicked job of infecting/destroying your computer. Millions of this, but same family.

So just like in the Dark Ages, where we didn’t have the scientific technology to back-trace and identify each person, classic AVs try to fortify themselves against these millions of generated siblings. See the chart below, whereas ROMAD has patented its newly discovered game-changer approach: and that’s the GENETIC and GENERIC gene Sequences for Malware families.

The data was taken from the ESET NOD32 official website from 2016 up to 201814. A comparison between the
number of signatures the ESET NOD32 had to issue versus the number of Genetic SequencesТМ
ROMAD had to issue

Simply put, ROMAD is like the ultimate Paternity test to determine if you’re from a long line of Lannisters, Tagereans or Starks — if you are of game of thrones fans, you’d get my meaning hahahaha ;) On the other hand, if you’re not a fan of good movies, let’s just say ROMAD ENDPOINT DEFENSE comes back with who your parents are. Scaled all the way back to the widely believed ‘Adam and Eve’ origin.

In sum, ROMAD is a 3 — way defense layer, using its trademarked Romad Genetic Sequences™, Generic Sequences™, and AI Machine Learning layer (a layer that isn’t fulltime cloud/internet dependent) to defend your PC from harm both rogue and 0-day attacks.

Once detected and repelled, each attack, is anonymously written to the ROMAD blockchain for the entire cybersecurity world to learn from. A proactive technology that is now patented across the EU and United States.

ROMAD is also endorsed and sponsored by the European Union, via the EU’s Horizon 2020 grant. It’s the future, so if you want a part in it, don’t miss ROMAD’s Initial Exchange Offering coming this march on multiple Korean, Chinese and Singaporean exchanges

To learn more about Romad and their game changing resource, visit their website here or their social community group

You can find the team at the ChainPlus Blockchain Summit in Korea on the 24th, this January.

