Never Newsham as DC Police Chief

The wrong pick for DC, Resisting Trump, & the First Amendment.

brendan orsinger
2 min readMar 19, 2017

As an activist, organizer, and resident of Washington DC, I can see no more effective way to abridge civil rights, victims’ rights, and First Amendment rights than by DC Council’s confirmation of Peter Newsham as Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department. The DC Council will take that vote on May 2nd.

We must reclaim our right to speak out against injustice through full use of the First Amendment without threat of unconstitutional and punitive measures as we have seen this nominee use throughout his career in his treatment of non-violent protesters, victims of sexual assault, and even his own wife.

In recent months, his “best” behavior has included the botched handling of police shootings including Terrence Sterling. On Inauguration Day, he escalated to extremely dangerous, unwarranted, and punitive tactics in the arrest and bogus charging of over 200 protesters, journalists, and lawyers serving as legal observers.

His confirmation will abdicate our full citizen power to lawfully but boldly resist this administration. Those in DC and around the nation who come here to resist must be ensured — without any hesitance caused by fear of retaliation — the full complement of rights guaranteed under the First Amendment. Otherwise, these tactics of bullying by Newsham will lead to an ever more obedient Nation’s Capitol, and falsely signal compliance with the Trump agenda.

With Newsham in leadership, bad things keep happening to good people. Our rights and our resistance are not safe in his hands. While currently a local issue, his confirmation carries ramifications well beyond the disenfranchised borders of the District of Columbia.

Please click here to quickly call, email, or tweet the DC Council this before the confirmation vote.



brendan orsinger

vegan🌱bipo🎭enm💜💚uu💒musician🎸🎹lover of dogs🐶pitching coach & ambidextrous knuckleballer✊⚾️always growing🌱🌳