July 2018 Newsletter

Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2018

Happy July!

Hi all! Just a quick newsletter this month…

In Case You Missed It…

Token and the FCA

At the start of the month, we were really excited to announce that we are in the FCA Sandbox Cohort 4, you can read all about that over on our Medium blog, or just click here

A lot of the community had questions on what the FCA means for Token, and what it means for themselves as users. We collated these questions and sat down with Mel to answer some of them, check it out in TokenTimes 2.0 below.

📱 Update on TokenApp 📱

We are super happy with all the feedback we have received from the alpha testers on the app so far, so we would like to say a big thanks to them! We had a very small new wave of testers in to get fresh eyes on the app, and we are still holding user testing sessions in the office.

Right now we are focused on getting the main features of TokenApp complete so we can move to TestNet, and then we will roll out the app to a wider audience. We can’t wait for you to try it!

🎉 Anniversaries 🎉

Both Will and Alex celebrated their 1 year anniversaries with the company this month. We would like to thank them again for all their hard work and dedication to the TokenTeam.

You will be able to speak to Alex in our first TokenTeam AMA on August 1st, so look out for a post detailing how to send your questions in.
Get your thinking caps on!

It was also DanQ’s birthday on the 8th (that’s me!)
No photos though, as I usually take the photos

Our Bitcoin Suisse friends in Switzerland had an amazing new office opening. Mel was invited and met their team as well as a number of our top TKN holders. We congratulate them on their success and hope we will have a long and prosperous relationship together!

Heres a photo with our very own @tknfan!

Last but definitely not least…

We have some more great talent joining the TokenTeam! Welcoming…

Yannis Stamelakos

Yannis is joining us as a Blockchain Engineer!

Yannis has a strong background in computer science that spans different fields: embedded systems, low-power design, cyber-security and cryptography to name a few.

After finishing his Master’s in Embedded Systems (Switzerland) and PhD in Computer Architecture (Italy), he moved to London to pursue his passion for cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology.

Yannis worked on TEE-based attestation techniques for generating cryptographically bound authenticity proofs at Oraclize.

His research background and deep interest in blockchain technology will also ensure that Token will be up to date with all the rapid technological developments and upgrades taking place in the Ethereum ecosystem.

See you next month!

  • The TokenTeam

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