In the Corner: 3D Print That

Toluwani Johnson
2 min readSep 29, 2017


The Corner’s Makerbot Replicator 5th Gen 3D Printer is the ‘star’ of the maker-space. Visitors of the Corner constantly take selfies with it, excited about seeing one in actuality. However, beyond the excitement of seeing a 3D printer, is its usefulness.

I had heard about 3D printing but like most people I didn’t know what it was useful for. That is, until I came across an article about a college student who 3D printed his own braces. I thought, if he could do that, then I’m sure there are several things 3D Printing is useful for. Up until I joined Co-creation Hub, I too had never seen a 3D printer, then to find out I’ll be working with it daily was like — woah!

Honestly, a lot of people do not understand 3D printing technology and if you don’t understand something you can’t take good advantage of it. I probably should have started with defining what 3D printing is. It is the process of creating a 3D physical object from a digital design. So many industries have taken advantage of this not-so-new technology. It has been very useful in the automotive industry for prototyping and tooling. In architecture, it has been beneficial in creating complex and precise models.

I am in no way an expert on 3D printing, however, I believe it is an amazing and innovative tool. Its many benefits include, the freedom to design, reduced costs, the creation of lightweight prototypes and so much more.

If you were looking for a 3D printer in Lagos Nigeria, well now you know you can find it in the Corner. If you are an architect, an engineer or maybe you’re just looking to print an already designed prototype, the Corner’s 3D Printer is available for your use. Also, if you have an interest in 3D printing you can join the Corner’s STEM Club here. All for free! 3D printing is the ‘now’ big thing, what good would you make of it?

“The Corner” refers to the American Corner at CcHUB. Register to become a member here (it’s free!). Check us out on Twitter and Facebook.

