Tom Christy
1 min readMay 11, 2016


I’m especially interested in the underlying motives for all the rancor from the Bernie camp. Where does this hostility come from? So far I’m seeing 3 reasons emerge to explain this embarrassing behavior:

  1. Latent misogyny. A lot of people who may think themselves open-minded and inclusive are finding themselves deeply mistrustful of a highly ambitious woman, and incensed as she shatters gender norms and upsets the patriarchy.
  2. Conformity. Social media is being used as an echo chamber to forcibly overwhelm dissent rather than democratizing opinion (it’s stated intent). Coupling this with Bernie’s unwillingness to compromise or cooperate reveals an alarming authoritarian bent.
  3. Pastiche. Disaffected lefties are imitating the Tea Party’s self-righteous obstructionism. Considering that the Tea Party is universally despised by everyone not in the Tea Party, this indicates an utter lack of creativity.

Thank you for having the courage to share your perspective.

