Do you have opinions on digital skills in the heritage sector? If so, please talk to me…

Tom Steinberg
2 min readFeb 27, 2019


I believe that most heritage organisations can be more effective at achieving their own goals if they know how to exploit the right digital tools and approaches, and if they know how to avoid digital bear-traps in the process.

I also believe that increased digital skills are key to seizing these opportunities, and avoiding the pitfalls.

But that’s where my certainty ends, and where you, dear reader, come in.

I’m currently working for the recently-renamed National Lottery Heritage Fund as their Digital Lead. This spring, I have the substantial privilege of designing an approach to investing £1m in improving digital skills in the UK’s heritage sector, over the next two years.

But, I can’t do this alone. Or, to be more precise, I can’t do it alone if we are to design a way of delivering skills support that invests where the biggest difference can be made, and that really works for organisations wanting to build their digital skills.

My purpose for writing this post is simple: I want to talk to people who have thoughts, experiences and opinions on digital skills in the heritage sector.

I’m don’t just want to talk to digital experts, although I would like to solicit their views. I’m really keen to talk to organisations that are really struggling with digital, or who don’t know where to start. And I want to talk to organisations of all shapes and sizes.

If you’re willing to talk about digital skills in the heritage field, whatever angle matters to you, I’d ask that you do one of two things:

  • Either drop me a mail to
  • Or blog or tweet something, and let me know that you’ve done so (I’m @steiny and I might be slow to respond because I use social media blockers a lot, to save my productivity!)

Thank you in advance. I can’t promise much in return, but I do promise I’ll listen carefully, and will do my best to incorporate all the experiences I hear about.



Tom Steinberg

Trying to get real about the connection between digital technologies and social needs. Full list of writings at