Christopher Columbus was the son of Wladyslaw III — A Polish King

Christopher Columbus was probably a son of Wladyslaw III, according to the book of the Portuguese historian Manuel Rosa. Columbus was the son of Polish king of the Jagiellonian dynasty, Władysław III of Varna, which after the Battle of Varna in 1444 years retreated to the West and on the island of Malta odsiadł where he married a local aristocrat. The first best man at their wedding was the King of Portugal. Catholic Solidarity rulers effectively protect the king of Polish and Hungarian treacherous attack against Islam.

Tomek Obirek
3 min readMar 2, 2015


Manuel Rosa is currently a historian at Duke University (North Carolina), has devoted 20 years to study the biography of Christopher Columbus. We just published the Polish book “Columbus. Unknown History “argues that the discoverer of America was the son of Wladyslaw of Varna, Polish and Hungarian king, whose corpse was found on the battlefield in 1444 years with the Turks at the Battle of Varna.

Władysław III’s wife was noble — Philip Moniz de Perestrelo. Also quickly got to the king’s John II of Portugal. So he was a man of Columbus has long been known to the Portuguese court, had noble origin and was thoroughly educated from childhood.

Colon Columbus and used the name, the name of Columbus is a mistake of one of the Italian bishops in his letter announcing the discovery of a new land. This error very quickly became widespread, and the Columbus never tried to correct.

The origin of the Polish king, and he explains why Columbus and his son kept his secret origin — thus protect the identity of Wladyslaw III. The Polish origin of Columbus provides its appearance. It was reddish brown hair, blue-eyed and had aquiline nose — as of Varna.

Polish monarch never corpses on the battlefield is not found (the king had six fingers on one of the feet). One of the messages says that the Polish king, barely escaped alive from the battle, he decided to move away from the world and settled in Madeira, as Henrique Alemao.

Around 1450 years two Polish Franciscans were sent to check these rumors. Later, they swear on a Bible that met in Madeira true Wladyslaw III. They tried it nakonić to return to Polish, but to no avail — Wladyslaw not want to be king. On the other hand confirmation of the information that survived the Battle of Varna and resides in Portugal found a Polish researcher in the archives of Leopold Kielanowski Teutonic Order. In the sixteenth century, the descendants of the Henrique Alemao Spanish court proved that come from the family of Polish kings.

It should be noted that at some point in life, Columbus lived in Madeira, exactly where the palace was the mysterious knight. Columbus, where he stayed for 15 years before his findings and contacted freely with the king of Portugal. Also bandaged his monogram letters, showing the letter S. It is known that the son Henrique Alemao was the name of Segismundo or Zygmunt, it scrolls the name of the Jagiellonian dynasty. Conclusive evidence could provide a comparative study of DNA.

Warnenczyk hiding in Madeira, he would have much to take care of their anonymity when various forces in Europe might want to play his person and his right to the throne. It must be remembered that while the Turks allegedly boasted keep his head in the honey. So it is understandable that Warnenczyk hiding in Madeira, he would have to take care of their very anonymity. However, the fact of Polish origin of Columbus stresses the importance of Polish during its Golden Age.

