My Graphic Novel artwork: The Felwild Saga

Tomi Lahdesmaki
3 min readMar 12, 2019


Since 2016, together with my dear friend Buvnon, I have been developing the story and artwork for an upcoming illustrated fantasy epic called The Island of Magic and Mystery. The saga follows the adventures of a young girl named Nouf and her unexpected travels through a mysterious and magical land called Felwild. This article is an ongoing documentation of the artwork created for the series of books. I look forward to updating this article as new pieces emerge. Enjoy and stay tuned for more…

Development spread featuring Nouf’s arrival at the mountain cabin of Norvard, a solitary Trumba living in the Tun-Dum Mountains.
Pencil sketches and detail.
Development spread featuring an evening meeting between Nouf and the vagabond known as Obb.
Scene details.
Development spread for a scene where Nouf arrives at Felwild and comes upon the lighthouse known as West Beacon.
Sketches and pencil work for West Beacon.
A (early) full map of Felwild, the secret island which serves as the setting for the story.
Location planning and detail from the map of Felwild.
Character studies (some who barely fit on the page)
Development spread featuring Nouf’s arrival at Sunset Harbor on the back of a whale ship fleet headed by Captain Coral.
Town details
Development spread featuring Nouf and her meeting with the Nul Smoon (Snail Herders of Aaruh Valley)
Character studies for Nouf
A cross-section of Norvard’s cabin. Located along the Easter edges of the Tun-Dum mountains, the cabin is the home of Norvard and his sister Evot.
A collection of characters from the book.
Nouf and (early version of) Zirnef trekking through the Serpent Hills.
The star cast for the series. From the left: Sisu (Zirnef’s fox), Old Toby, Nouf, Elias, Bontu, Toku, Issu, Aio, Norvard and Zirnef.
Character development for the Warlock of Doom and Destruction. The evil leader and main antagonist of the story.
The Master Library and Creative School of Felwild. Located in the middle of the Untish Mountains.
Inspiration and sketches for the Master Library of Felwild. For me the building is a love letter to some of my favorite building in Helsinki, Finland.
Some servants of the Warlock. From the left: Tulhu, Shashifter, Nightspirit and Cormous.
The Seaweed Harvesters of Green Sea
New updated version of the Felwild Map
A detailed map of Western Felwild. The setting for book 01 from the series.

Plenty of more to come… To be continued…



Tomi Lahdesmaki

Creator of the graphic novel series The Island of Magic & Mystery. Follow my progress here on Medium!