Tony Basile
6 min readApr 10, 2017


Did Putin order Assad to bomb his people with chemicals in order to save his asset (Trump) by giving Trump the chance to look and act Presidential ?

Syrian air strike was a prescription from Putin to save Trump’s Presidency.

As an added benefit the prescription was designed to defuse the growing Russian Influence controversy by showing Trumps independence from Putin by ordering military action against a Country allied with Russia.

Did it work ?

The initial BURST of PATRIOTISM following Trumps order to strike Syria with cruise missiles coupled with the Senate confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch as the next Justice of the Supreme Court was no doubt a dose of much need good news for Trumps troubled Presidency.

It was hard to find fault with the decision to retaliate after the heinous act of releasing chemical weapons on innocent Syrian citizens, many of whom were children.

As a regular critic of Trump I gave him credit for taking quick and decisive action.

My initial praise for Trumps air strike order may have been premature.

As new details surrounding the U.S. air strike on Syria come to light questions are surfacing about what was really accomplished by the air strikes and what was the motivation behind the decision to strike.

During the Obama administration the pentagon presented President Obama with detailed plans for conducting potential air strikes on Syrian targets for consideration by Obama.

The U.S. military had drawn up plans for air strikes on a number of various targets in Syria. The targets included known chemical weapon storage facilities, Syrian military command headquarters and field locations, Syrian military communication sites and infrastructure around key Syrian military bases among others.

Interestingly back when President Obama was considering the possibility of U.S. air strikes in Syria then private citizen, Donald Trump tweeted that it would be a mistake if Obama were to order air strikes.

Obviously, opinions change as circumstances change and President Trump did not hesitate to issue the order to authorize the attack on Syria last Thursday.

Trump issued the order in response to the heinous actions of Syrian dictator, Assad who earlier in the week released chemical weapons on innocent civilians causing untold numbers deaths and injuries.

There is little dispute that the timing of the chemical attacks came when the Trump Presidency was reeling from one controversy after another, legislative failure to repeal Obamacare and the cloud of the FBI investigation of Trumps campaign over possible complicity in the Russian influence controversy.

Trump was in a free fall and it appeared nothing could stop the potential and inevitable end of Trumps presidency.

Syria’s chemical attack gave Trump the opportunity to finally do something he had failed to do so from the start.

Trump could and did finally look and act Presidential.

A shock to many.

Trump is not the first President, nor will he be the last to benefit as a result of his actions in light of some domestic or foreign event.

The questions now being raised concern the timing and decision by Assad to unleash chemical attacks on Syrians and what role did Putin play in both.

Simply stated..

Did Putin order Assad to use the chemical weapons as a parachute for a failing Trump presidency ?

Could Vladimir Putin be even more of a monster than we thought by initiating a heinous act in order to protect his investment to engineer the U.S. election process to help Donald Trump become President.

In other words Putin decided to kill and mame thousands of innocent people so he could provide Trump with a last ditch chance to act and be Presidential and also defuse the Russian influence controversy because Trumps action would be against a Russian ally.

Sinister to say the least.

Just consider the possibility based upon what we now know in regards to the U.S. air strikes last Thursday.

President Trump ordered U.S. air strikes of one and only one specific target in Syria. The target was the airfield where Syrian planes containing chemical weapons were launched from.

This target was not believed nor was it one of the known storage facilities used by Syria to store its arsenal of chemical weapons.

This target was chosen oven the many more inviting targets which would have had a significant and negative impact on the Syrian military.

We could have bombed and destroyed the known storage facilities, Syrian military and or communications sites to mention but a few of the enticing possible targets that the President was given to choose from.

President Trump made the decision to authorize the U.S.Air strike but the only target of the air strike was the airfield that Syrian jets carrying chemical weapons took off from.

The President did not authorize any other targets in Syria for attack.

After the authorization for the air strike was issued by Trump both the Russian and Syrian governments were notified in advance of the attack in order to allow Russian planes and military personnel located at the targeted airfield time to evacuate.

Odd ?

Last Thursday morning the U.S. military launched 59 of the worlds most precise tomahawk cruise missiles at the aforesaid Syrian airfield.

The Trump administration announced that the attack was a complete success.

Was it ?

Yes there was lots of destruction at the airfield targeted including some Syrian planes, warehouse, some infrastructure but apparently the runways were left completely intact and just hours after the air strike Syrian jets were observed landing and taking off from the unharmed runways.

Odd ?

To most people it seems ludicrous to bomb an airfield with 59 cruise missiles and leave the runways open for business.

Not to President Trump

Even if what Trump says is true who the fuck cares. If you going to bomb an airfield it seems only reasonable to make the runways unusable for at least the foreseeable future. duh!

It is almost embarrassing to see Syrian Fighter jets taking off from the airfield which sustained and withstood the effects of being struck by 59 cruise missiles just one day after the attack.

I’m sorry but the fact that out of all the potential and enticing targets for the U.S. missiles to hit the airfield chosen seems ridiculously inadequate and casts doubts about the decision making of the President.

The missile attack was a dud because the wrong target was chosen and even that target was not rendered unusable.

You have to question the decision not to target multiple locations for simultaneous attack and those which could easily have been destroyed and actually had a negative impact on the Syrian military.

OMG the mighty U.S. military picked on a tiny and meaningless airfield and didn’t bother to destroy the runways. Trumps tweet about the runways only adds insult to injury.

In this writers opinion Putins high and mighty outrage expressed after Trumps weak use of American military might seems a bit to much.

The Syrian air strikes which many in the Trump administration thought would dispel and defuse the growing Russian influence controversy may have actually added fuel to the fire.

We now know that Vladimir Putin is an astute master of American politics as only he could send a life support parachute packaged as a chemical attack that was designed to save a Presidency he engineered. Wow



Tony Basile

Political Junkie, Cubs fan, Political Commentary. Trial Attorney/Criminal Defense Attorney, now Disabled and a wanna be political commentator or analyst