Implementing Domain-Driven Design and Hexagonal Architecture with Go (2)

Part 2 — How I implement tactical DDD patterns — the Domain layer

Anton Stöckl
19 min readMay 4, 2020


Also, see:

Part 1 — Introduction to the domain, the bounded context, and the business use-cases


Target audience for the articles in this series are people who are interested in Domain-Driven Design and Go with any knowledge level. I try to highlight where I deviate from idomatic Go or do things differently than in usual Go projects. In general I consider higher level concepts like Domain-Driven Design and Hexagonal Architecture to be “stronger” than “how most people implement things” in a programming language. Still I am always trying to balance both concerns and try to find a good compromise in cases. I will also describe simpler alternatives where applicable.

If you are religious about idiomatic Go and are not interested in different ways of doing things in Go — especially going the extra mile for defensive code and separation of concerns like Domain and Infrastructure — the articles in this series might not be for you!

Please be aware that the solutions I picked are just my decisions for the implementation of this playground project. I don’t want to suggest this as a…



Anton Stöckl

Domain-Driven Design, Hexagonal Architecture (aka. Ports&Adapters), Go, Elixir, Event-Sourcing & CQRS, Learning Designer for Software Developers @ MaibornWolff