Save the planet: a big deception
Saving the planet is just a deception to keep calm the consciences; we are the species at risk of extinction, the planet was here earlier of us and will be here after us, this is a fact.
We, as a human species (together with others) are risking to disappear; even if the global warming do not have anthropic causes, as some scientist are claiming, we risk in any way to disappear. Understanding that we are risking and not the planet changes the perspective: we need to act now to avoid this.
The media instead continue with the mantra: save the planet. We listen to it in most advertising, politicians tell often it and social media report it many times.
Saying instead that we are risking to disappear would change the collective perception of the phenomenon, because in the back of our mind each of us thinks that the planet is too big to be saved and somehow it will be saved by itself… it is really so!
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