Advantages and Disadvantages for digital camera

2 min readMay 8, 2016
Sony DSC-W830 Price

Advantages and Disadvantages for digital camera

- DSLR or Digital single-lens reflex camera.
This camera is a big black box. The interchangeable lens that’s it.
Advantages: Great image looks like a photographer. It all depends on what lens you use.
Disadvantages: bulky, expensive, hampering the image of a photographer into the trailer.

- Mirrorless Camera
This is a DSLR camera cut-out reflector away from the camera. Make smaller Interchangeable Lens DSLR-like
Advantages: smaller than a DSLR, but the picture, as well as carry a DSLR makes it more convenient.
Disadvantages: hold not look like a photographer. And convenient to carry, it’s better than the compact DSLR, but it’s not good.

- Camera DSLR-Like
This camera is a camera that looks like a DSLR to do something different like a DSLR but does not change the lens and sensor size cameras Compact.
Advantages: The Wishing for a wide range of lenses or zoom will not be an end in itself.
Disadvantages: So many images, as well as Compact camera, but that’s a massive fan of his.

- Compact Camera
Sony DSC-W830 Price Small camera easily portable Most has small sensors Image common A good match is easy to carry. But today, it has a large sensor compact camera as a DSLR and then some.
Advantages: Easy to carry less force.
Disadvantages: The common

- Hand held camera
The camera focuses at the Because the handsets most people to carry it.
Advantages: easy to carry most
Disadvantages: Image worst. Whether they will advertise just how many millions of pixels. The sensor is smaller here Do not be deceived by the number of pixels Compressed pixels into a tiny sensor. Around the sensor’s pixels big, but at least not right now.

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