TopManager Skill Strategy Guide

5 min readNov 7, 2022


The TopManager OpenBeta S0 season has started a week ago. After a week of battles, we believe that Managers’ players have ascend level 10 or even level 20 and gained skills. The higher the level, you will find out why you can’t win the game when you have the same rating or even higher rating. This is because the distribution and coordination of player skills have a crucial impact on the game.

Click on the player details page, you will find that each player has four skills bars. The players you have will unlock these skills as players’ levels increase. The system will assign suitable skills according to the positions that players are good at.

Never underestimate the application of skills in TopManager’s Battle. If Managers match the players with the suitable skills and the formation according to the skills of the players they have, the odds of winning the game can even increase by 90%, which is a process that requires a lot of strategy. Equipping the players with the right skills is the key point that Managers need to consider to improve their ranking and win the battle.

Players should have their own strategies rationally. For example, according to the positions of forwards, midfielders, goalkeepers, and defenders, focus on cultivating players in a certain position and equip them with skills. Football is a sport that requires attention to cooperation, remember to equip the main players with a strong partner.

With the acquisition of game experience, the skills will also ascend the awakening effect, further strengthen and upgrade, and have a greater impact on the game. Let’s briefly introduce the player skills, common collocations and defensive restraint relationships in the current game.

Player skills

Skills are divided into Two categories: offensive skills and defensive skills.

Offensive skills can be further divided into shooting skills, dribbling skills, passing skills and special skills.

Skill Collocation

Defensive Restraint relationship

After understanding the effect, collocation and restraint relationship of each skill, let’s talk about some offensive routines in actual battle.

Offensive line

In the centre of midfield

1.Passing the ball to launch an attack, usually a midfielder with ball-handling skills organizes an attack through short or long passes.

(Bounce Pass) → Lofted Pass Volley → Volley Shot / Powerful Header

· How to counter:

Deploy defense for both passing and shooting. Players with the skills of Denial Defense & Pass Block will effectively prevent the opponent from launching long passes. Sacrifice Block and Genius Reflex are effective for dealing with direct shooting.

2. Dribbling the ball to launch an attack, generally handled by midfielders/forwards with dribbling skills through individual abilities.

Speed dribble/ Break Through / Dummy Dribble / Power Dribble → Calm Finish / Long Shot

· How to counter:

Focus on deploying defense for the dribbling link, and using players with skills such Slide Tackle & Mark Tight can effectively reduce the opponent’s success rate of dribbling.

Wing attack

1.Passing the ball to launch an attack, generally a midfielder with transfer skills launch an attack, and a wing player with cross or dribbling skills directly sends assists or shoots after passing.

Long Square → Pinpoint Cross → Volley Shot / Power Header

· How to counter:

Every additional pass will lead to an additional possibility of failure. Long pass, cross and shot all three links can be used for defense. Players with Denial Defense can effectively prevent the opponent from organizing long passes. Aerial Defense can effectively prevent the opponent from crossing a header. Genius Reflex can deal with directly shooting effectively.

2. Attacking with the ball is generally carried out by a player with dribbling skills to the front side of the court, and then sends an assist or a pass and then shoots.

Speed dribbe / Break Through → Cut Inside → Volley Shot / Power Header

· How to counter:

The three links of dribbling, passing and shooting can all be targeted for defense. Players with Mark Tight and Slide Tackle can effectively prevent opponents from passing. Aerial Defense effectively prevents opponents from crossing a header. Flawless Defense is an effective means of dealing with ground ball shots.

The above is the introduction of all player skills. It should be noted that all recommended combinations are not fixed, and players need to match according to the actual situation, preferences and needs.

If you have few player cards, you need to develop partners for the players you already have. If you already have a lot of players, you can choose according to the rarity of the cards and the level of the players. Or if you have players that are suitable for a multi-back formation, you need to focus on developing the skills of the defenders.

In the actual battle, the situation is ever-changing. As the TopManager OpenBeta S0 season progresses, the appropriate skill combinations will also change, and more skill combinations will appear. Managers, we are looking forward to your exploration and sharing.

