Calls For TikTok Ban Increase After CEO Testimony

TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew Faces Calls For Sale Or Ban After Poor Capitol Hill Performance

Top News Review
4 min readMar 24, 2023
Calls For TikTok Ban Increase After CEO Testimony
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TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew’s testimony on Capitol Hill was a disaster, which will likely increase calls for the platform to be sold or banned. Analysts predict it has 3–6 months to work out a sale before the US bans it. Chew admitted some ByteDance employees could still access user data and lawmakers criticized TikTok’s failure to police harmful content. It is more likely there will be a sale due to TikTok’s popularity with voters, but Snap Inc.’s stock rose as Chew testified. China opposes a forced sale of TikTok despite its assurance that the Chinese Communist Party has no ties with it.

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