Climate Change Cartoon: Last Ever?

Feel Despair? Care And Act!

Top News Review
4 min readMar 24, 2023
Climate Change Cartoon: Last Ever?
The Top News Review’s original images are created with proprietary prompts and DALL-E.

The text reads: John was very excited when he heard that his school was going on a field trip to the beach. He couldn’t wait to play in the sand and go swimming. John was thrilled about the upcoming field trip to the beach; he planned to have fun playing in the sand and swimming.

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Current Trending Score: 11

What else is trending right now?

1. ‘Like a war zone’: Congress hears of China’s abuses in Xinjiang ‘re-education camps’

Current Trending Score: 8

Two women who experienced Chinese “re-education camps” provided first-hand testimony to US Congress. Gulbahar Haitiwaji said prisoners were subjected to 11 hours of brainwashing education and faced punishments for speaking Uyghur. She was warned not to speak about her experiences, however she refused and published a book in 2021. Qelbinur Sidik described the detention facilities as “like a war zone”, with razor wire fencing and armed guards, where she heard the screaming of Uyghur prisoners being tortured. Mike Gallagher encouraged Americans not to look away from what has been declared by the US as a continuing genocide of Muslim ethnic minorities in China, while Raja Krishnamoorthi said that CCP leaders are listening closely and their genocide must end. Experts have applauded action by the US government but say there is more that can be done both by Congress and American businesses to punish China for its human rights abuses against Uyghurs.

2. Friday night Australian east coast solar storm could lead to spectacular light show

Current Trending Score: 7

A massive solar storm is set to peak on Friday night, with visible auroras possible in Tasmania and Victoria. It could lead to power and GPS disruptions due to charged particles streaming towards Earth from a coronal hole on the sun. If it reaches G4 or G5, auroras would be visible as far north as Sydney, Perth and southern Queensland.

3. Russia-Ukraine war live: Counteroffensive starts soon, says Ukrainian ground forces commander

Current Trending Score: 3

Ukraine’s top ground forces commander said Russian forces with Wagner mercenaries are losing momentum and running out of steam, so Ukraine will soon launch a counterassault. Reuters journalists near the front line saw signs consistent with this suggestion. EU leaders agreed to send 1 million artillery shells to Ukraine over the next year, while Russia’s Deputy Security Council Secretary said relations with the West have hit an all-time low and any attempt to arrest Vladimir Putin would amount to a declaration of war against Russia. Finland signed legislation incorporating NATO’s founding treaties, while Spain’s Prime Minister is set to discuss peace plan for Ukraine with China next week.

4. Escaped cow that tore through Brooklyn finds home at sanctuary

Current Trending Score: 2

The Canarsie cow began the week on her way to a slaughterhouse, but was saved by an animal rights advocate. She will now live out her life in Skylands Animal Sanctuary in New Jersey with over 400 other rescued animals. Mike Stura, owner of Skylands and a vegan, secured her release without paying for the cow and drove three hours to Pennsylvania to pick her up. Once she arrives at the farm, she will be checked out by a veterinarian before joining the others in the pasture. Stura hopes that she’ll live for many more years and flourish with them just like any other animal.

5. Country diary: The irises have taken over the pond, and only leeches are left

Current Trending Score: 1

My wildlife pond was leaking and I had to replace the liner before the newts return. 25 years ago, I planted a yellow flag iris which has taken over the small 2m diameter pond. There were no dragonfly or water beetle larvae, but plenty of horse leeches which are semi-aquatic predators that feed on midge larvae and water snails. They can reach up to 15cm when disturbed.

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