Good Deeds Of Pete Reed: How He Sacrificed His Life To Save Others In Ukraine

A former US Marine, Pete took incredible risks to save lives, including acts of bravery during the battle of Mosul. He leaves behind the organization he built to help victims of conflict

Top News Review
2 min readFeb 23, 2023
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Pete Reed died on Thursday, Feb 2, while trying to evacuate civilians in the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut. Footage suggests he was hit by a Russian anti-tank missile. He was an amazingly selfless person and saved many lives through his work with an NGO called Global Response Management that provided medical aid in Iraq, Syria, Mexico and more. His wife Alex retrieved his body and held a ceremony for him last Wednesday. Pete will be remembered as a savior, friend, husband, boss uncle and brother who made the world better by helping those most vulnerable during war.

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