John Perry’s Request To Protect Thousands Of Emails From Jan. 6 Investigation Denied By Judge

The Pennsylvanian lawmaker’s phone was seized and imaged by the FBI as part of the 2020 election investigation.

Top News Review
2 min readFeb 25, 2023
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Judge Howell ruled that Rep. Perry’s communications with the Executive Branch were not protected by a clause designed to protect Congressional members from interference from the Executive Branch. The three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals stayed her ruling, and heard arguments about the dispute on Thursday. Judge Howell also noted that Perry was slow in his review of documents and ordered him to speed up his review process from 250 documents per day to 800 per day. Speaker McCarthy authorized lawyers for House Leaders to weigh in as well, although their brief remains sealed until further notice. Either side can appeal this decision and take it all the way up to Supreme Court if they choose so do so

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