Northern Ireland Police Arrest 5th Suspect In Detective Shooting In Omagh

Suspect, 43, arrested over attack on DCI John Caldwell as police confirm New IRA is primary line of inquiry

Top News Review
2 min readFeb 25, 2023
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Police in Northern Ireland have arrested a fifth man in connection with the shooting of a detective chief inspector, John Caldwell. The suspect is 43 and was arrested on Friday evening as police said dissident republican group the New IRA was their primary line of inquiry. DCI Caldwell had been shot four times and left critically ill with life-changing injuries after coaching an under-15s football team in Omagh on Wednesday night. Four other men remain in police custody, aged 22, 38, 45 and 47. The attack is being treated as terrorist-related by Assistant Chief Constable Mark McEwan. A rally will be held at the courthouse close to where a 1998 bombing killed 29 people to show solidarity with Caldwell.

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