Ťorch-innovation DeFi Platform

2 min readAug 28, 2020


Torch-network is a platform which create an Deflation mechanism of lucky system for DeFi


Decentralized Finance is one of the most quickly growing innovations in financial services. Torch aims to create an open financial system to everyone which don’t need to rely on central authorities.

The Torch network aims to innovate DeFi through blockchain-based credit loans (including small loans and unsecured loans), thereby improving global access and gaining consumer trust, making DeFi financial solutions available to most users, and further Expand the user base of DeFi services.


Lenders and borrowers can lend or borrow crypto assets by the anonymous way without registration or KYC.(inclube unsecured loan)

Investors, traders, and speculators can offer their idle capitals as custom pools with a fixed rate for lending.

Liquidity miners can provide assets to existing asset pools with an annual percentage return rate of up to 115% and manage Torch DAO by the vote of token .

Users can also stake PoS-based assets in existing pools to earn staking rewards according to the underlying protocols.

In addition, the governance token of Torch has a transfer burning mechanism, and each transfer has a relatively high probability burning 3% of the transfer amount.(Of course, if you’re lucky, you might get more Toc.)

Token Detail

More information had update in Website.

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