Eflation mechanism of Lucky system — Torch

3 min readAug 30, 2020


Eflation mechanism of Lucky system:

In most cases, the TOC burns 3% of the transfer amount per transfer.

In order to encourage TOC holders to hold more TOC, we also designed a set of lucky transfer system:

1. All TOC accounts participating in pledge mining are lucky accounts. When the transfer of the account address triggers combustion, the combustion rate is only 1.5%.

2. Lucky account transfers have the probability of triggering a lucky burst, and this transfer will not be burned, and meanwhile, users will be entitled to additional daily income right equal to the transfer amount of 3%/5%/7%. This part will be manually collected by users after 0 o ‘clock the next day when they go to the Torch pledge platform.

3. The probability of lucky probability is 1% in the initial lucky value. Users can increase the probability of lucky crit by doing the following:

A. The amount of time that the account has participated in TOC pledge mining shall increase by 0.2% every 7 days, and the maximum cumulative increase shall not exceed 6%.

B.Suppose the number of transfers is α,the member of pledge mining is β

α/β<0.5,probability increase 1%

α/β<0.3, probability increase 2%

C. if your amount of TOC pledges accounts more than 1% of the total amount of TOC pledges on the whole network, probability increase 1%;

If your amount of TOC pledges accounts more than 5% of the total amount of TOC pledges on the whole network, probability increase 2%;

If your amount of TOC pledges accounts more than 15% of the total amount of TOC pledges on the whole network, probability increase 3%;

If your amount of TOC pledges accounts more than 30% of the total amount of TOC pledges on the whole network, probability increase 4%;

E. The probability of Lucky system would not more than 12%.

F. As for the additional daily income, when the lucky burst is triggered, users need to manually go to the TORCH pledge platform to confirm the burst and randomly select the additional daily income right of 3%/5%/7%. The initial probability is as follows:

Whenever the TORCH transfer amount is larger and the value of α/β is lower, the probability changes as follows:

4.The Eflation mechanism of Lucky system would release while the Defi Platform of Torch release.

