Tostan Stories
Published in
3 min readFeb 18, 2018


Gratitude in Djibouti for Resilient Community Leadership & Breakthroughs that Last

by Falilou Cisse

In July of 2011, 92 Djiboutian communities came together to declare their abandonment of female genital cutting (FGC), a result of Tostan’s mobilization for human rights through the Community Empowerment Program over the previous three years. This was the first declaration of its kind to occur in the small East African country.

Five years later, Djibouti’s national newspaper The Nation published an article highlighting another declaration to reinforce the decision, crediting Tostan. It features how the participatory governance structures (called Community Management Committees or “CMCs”) that Tostan had established from 2008–2011, remained active even though Tostan was no longer operating programs in the country, continuing to mobilize in the community and collaborating with government.

Now, seven years later, CMCs continue leading to positive growth, equitable representation, and joy.

Falilou Cisse was Tostan’s Djibouti lead (national coordinator) from 2007–2010.

First public declaration abandoning female genital cutting to support human rights in Djibouti, 2011

I returned to Djibouti on a truly special and totally unforgettable day, the first of the year. Indeed, the Djiboutian women, especially the women of the Community Management Committees of all the districts, spontaneously shared with me the greatest honor I’ve ever received: They arrived at the airport and showered me with gifts, precious gifts. They even covered me with the flag of the country. They sang and danced for me! They carried me in triumph. They even put on the necklace of honor and recognition of Afar communities.

They tied the traditional green-white loincloth of wise men around me. I cried hot tears. They offered me a delicious meal and cake! They put me under a giant umbrella, a symbol of protection. I had never dreamed of such an honor. They gave me a certificate of recognition. They even celebrated my daughter Aminata, the Djiboutian.

What an honor! What happiness!

They told me,

We did all this because you guided our first steps in community development. You did it even though we were often difficult. You have always supported us. You understood us and you were very patient with us. You have always been with us, shared the difficult and happy times, and you have given us the time to understand-- to become what we are today! Know that we are ready to share with our children the contagious love of service to communities that you shared with us. Today, you have come back to your country. We need you to know that we are proud of you.

Indeed, this honor, as great as it is, should be reserved for Tostan. Everything that I did during that time was thanks and in the name of Tostan, who taught me all these values. My credit was to follow what Tostan taught me.

The greatest lesson that the reaction of the Djiboutian raised in me on this first day of the year is that I will never have to leave.

Falilou Cisse (second from right), and members of the Community Management Committees

Thank you to Tostan.



Tostan Stories

Tostan empowers communities to realize their own sustainable development and wellbeing, and drive social transformation based on respect for human rights