Total Online Token (online)

To Token
2 min readOct 17, 2017


Opening coin Mining pool online Explorer online Add exchange.
Anyone who creates a wallet will be given a gift.
Starting Block Reward: 47 coins every 3.5 minutes
Total eventual supply: 24,000,000 (24 million)
Difficulty adjusts each block

How I can see TOTN?

To see TO tokens(TOTN) you need to add custom token on MyEtherWallet,Parity and Mist.

Token Swap Starts

Through this post, we officially announce that the token swap period will begin October 19, 2017. And effective October 26, 2017, we will start delisting from exchanges.

In our view, there are fundamentally two different types of exchanges: the ones thatdeal with fiat currency; and the ones that deal purely in crypto. It is the latter one thatwe will focus on. Even though they are small now, we strongly believe that purecrypto exchanges will be bigger, many times bigger, than fiat based exchanges in the near future. They will play an ever more important role in world finance and we call this new paradigm Binance ; Binary Finance.

With your help, Binance will build a world-class crypto exchange, powering the future of crypto finance.

How are we different?

We at totoken believe in a decentralized platform that gives 100% of the revenue to the creator of the content, but we are conscious that in order to have a successful platform we need to make it easy for everyone to use. That’s why we plan not only to design an easy to use interface but also accept fiat currency payments so everyone who uses a mainstream adult services and will be able to use totoken the same way. Without having to set up a wallet, download the whole ethereum blockchain or trading on an exchange. This way we will be able to build together a platform that unites blockchain enthusiasts and the average person, this not only increases the number of potential users but also the potential adult artists since they are our main target, if we get artists to use a platform that gives them 100% of the revenue, their fans will migrate to support their favorite artists, especially with a non-intrusive platform like Totoken where you can download the videos which uploaded by adult artists you want from the web client without having to use a dedicated app every time you want to play it without credit card and personal ID information

