Someone has taken over our Facebook page ~ Help requested from our community.

2 min readMay 13, 2019


Our Facebook page is

Someone gained access to our Facebook page and removed our admins from the page role of our company page “Silver Bee Group”.

Please help us to report this issue to Facebook to attract attention of Facebook.

You can report about this issue to Facebook in 2 simple steps.

Step 1

Go to

Step 2: Enter the content mentioned below

Website address (URL) of page

Detailed Description (Enter the below content)

Dear Facebook Team,

On 04 May 2019, Someone hacked the company facebook page of Silver Bee Group and removed all the admins of the company. This page have been created in the year 2013 by admin and he has been managing this page since all these years.

Silver Bee Group is a legal company presently registered in Estonia with registration number 14466392. Facebook team is requested to return the company page to the original admins as soon as possible.


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We request our community members to report this to Facebook and also spread about this in social media to attract attention of Facebook. We have already reported this issue to Facebook but so far no response from them.

