Summary of Trac Systems’ Space on X: TTP Ecosystem Update (Post Tap Token Launch)

7 min readJun 14, 2024



On June 12 2024, the Trac Systems team took to X to discuss the recent updates on the TTP ecosystem. The insightful discussion aimed to clarify the recent information, developments, and updates that the community may have found ambiguous.

Here is a summary of the questions shot at Benny (the founder of Trac Systems Core) and his brilliant response, during the AMA session. You can also opt to listen to the recorded version of the session on X.

Q&A During the AMA Session On X

Q1. What’s the significance of the ICP partnership?

One of the significance of the ICP partnership is that it enables a bridge between Ethereum and the TAP protocol which is currently being built. According to Benny, the bridge utilizes the characteristics of the TAP protocol together with its authorities.

The fact that users will be able to execute certain functions on layer 1 Bitcoin while using Ethereum smart contracts is another big significance of the ICP partnership.

Furthermore, Benny hinted at the possibility of partnering with other Blockchains that chain fusion will support, such as Solana.

Q2. What is next for the $TAP token (Post Launch)?

According to Benny, the major plan for the $TAP token is to have $TAP listed on as many CEX as possible, especially significant ones. He said major discussions with some of the CEX are ongoing and from the end of June (or thereabout), the $TAP token will begin its listing journey on different CEX.

Furthermore, Benny noted that all the listings will not happen at once but will span over time. Also, with the adoption of bridging functionality, $TAP tokens could become available on other chains.

Q3. What Technical Update is Currently Available On The TAP Protocol?

Benny reminded the community of the recent release of the Testnet for the actual TAP Reader. He directed developers to check out Trac’s GitHub repository for TAP Reader.

While addressing developers, Benny said in the README section, there’s a channel where developers seeking to develop on the Testnet can switch to.

He encouraged developers to work on the Testnet and assured them of ample support.

Developers can join our Telegram group or Discord channel dedicated to providing the appropriate support to their technical needs.

Q4. With all the different opportunities that were made available to receive TAP, will all the distributions be done at the same time?

Concerning the distribution of $TAP tokens to all that are eligible for the airdrop, the multi-send feature of the TAP protocol will be used. The addresses of those eligible will be added to the airdrop list and then sent in one or two transactions.

Q5. Are there other features or Dev. Tools that will be coming out soon?

While there is no specific date, Benny spoke about releasing more Developer tools in the near future. He said the aim of developing these tools is to make the life of people easier and this has been expressed through the occasional release of boilerplates.

He went on to speak on the possibility of creating a product that can be divided into two types to cater to developers and users.

Q6. What’s the use of the funds from the $TAP token launch? Would it be used to increase the team?

Benny’s response to these questions was that In addition to expanding the team yet again, the funds would be used for marketing and community growth activities.

Q7. What is the APY of TAP for those who participated in the Ecosystem Validator Pool (EVP)?

According to Seothe, a team member of Trac System, the annual percentage yield (APY) of $TAP tokens for those who partook in the EVP will be around 5%. This could be slightly higher or lower, but this is the median. Also, recall that the team mentioned that this will be in perpetuity.

Q8. What other bonuses will participants of the EVP receive?

Seothe explained that the ecosystem validator pool was created to allow people with little knowledge or no interest in running a node to get a chance to participate without worrying about the energy, resources, etc that are required to run the validator licenses.

Furthermore, he highlighted a few projects interested in building under the TAP protocol. These projects will also provide a certain amount of their tokens to the participants of the EVP. Also, participants of the EVP stand a chance to earn airdrops and rewards from subsequent projects looking to build on the TAP protocol. Click here to get more information on the validator pool.

Q9. What amount of $TAP tokens will be available to the EVP participants?

According to Seothe, approximately $350,000 worth of $TAP tokens will be provided to the participants of the EVP. This will only be activated if we reach the goal of 888,888 $TRAC for the pool.

Q10. What more can be expected from the indexing and oracle aspect ability of Trac Core?

Due to the significance of blockchain indexing, data provision as an oracle, and the decentralization functionality of Trac Core, Benny said more protocols will be indexed using Trac.

Q11. What is the utility of the $TRAC token?

Benny assured the community of plans for the $TRAC token. He spoke on creating the Trac Store; a store that acts like an app store, where projects under the TAP protocol can be easily accessed. He further explained that the $TRAC token will be used as the utility token for the Trac store. In-app purchases will be made using $TRAC. More to come on other use cases for the $TRAC token. For more details on the Trac store, check out this medium article.

Q12. Is there a plan to create individual community spaces on both Telegram and Discord for TRAC, TAP, and PIPE?

Benny believes it may be a good idea to create individual groups for each product. He also added that although it may facilitate competition between the different communities, it will help in reducing the confusion experienced in the current groups. As discussions would become centered on a particular protocol.

Q13. Is there any plan to migrate TRAC to TAP?

According to Benny, migrating TRAC to TAP seems like a very good idea as it has a good number of benefits.

Though, he pointed out some limitations like TAP protocol inability to support the number of characters in the TRAC ticker . It is important to consider which of the migrations will be suitable; whether to consider a bridge switch or a hot switch like that of GhostyCash.

He however said the community would be made to decide if it is necessary to migrate.

Q14. What is the use case of PIPE?

Benny started by speaking on why PIPE was created in the first place, he also spoke on the possibility of incorporating AI (Artificial Intelligence) functionality to PIPE and addressed the criticism of those who did not fully understand his application of AI on PIPE. He explained that PIPE was created to provide easy functionality for users who found the Ordinal space to be a complex one.

When asked if there was a plan to migrate PIPE, Benny said no. He explained that PIPE is separate from TAP in terms of functionality, purpose, and so on. He also assured the community that there are a lot of features coming up for PIPE shortly.


The AMA session has always been a time for insightful exposition for the community at large. One thing that remains constant is the team’s drive to continually create innovations that cater to the needs of crypto users. We remain grateful to the community for believing in TAP and expressing their support through the success of the presale.

Chinese Community Version

Trac Systems 在 X 上的空间总结:TTP 生态系统更新(Tap 代币发行后)


2024 年 6 月 12 日,Trac Systems 团队在 X 上讨论了 TTP 生态系统的最新更新。此次讨论旨在澄清社区可能感到模糊的最新信息和更新。

以下是 Benny(Trac Systems 核心创始人)在 AMA 会话期间回答的问题摘要。你也可以选择在 X 上收听会话的录音版本

AMA 会话期间的问答

问题 1:ICP 合作伙伴关系的重要性是什么?

ICP 合作伙伴关系的重要性之一是它建立了以太坊和 TAP 协议之间的桥梁。Benny 说,这座桥梁利用了 TAP 协议的特性及其权限。

用户能够使用以太坊智能合约在第一层比特币上执行某些功能,这也是 ICP 合作伙伴关系的重要意义之一。

此外,Benny 暗示了与支持链融合的其他区块链合作的可能性。

问题 2:$TAP 代币下一步是什么(启动后)?

Benny 表示,$TAP 代币的主要计划是尽可能多地在许多主要的中心化交易所(CEX)上上市。他说,目前正在与一些 CEX 进行重要讨论,并且从大约 6 月底开始,$TAP 代币将开始在不同的 CEX 上市。

他还指出,所有上市不会一次性完成,而是会分阶段进行。随着桥接功能的采用,$TAP 代币也可能在其他链上可用。

问题 3:目前 TAP 协议有哪些技术更新?

Benny 提醒社区最近发布了实际 TAP Reader 的测试网。他指示开发者查看 Trac 的 GitHub 仓库中的 TAP Reader。

在对开发者讲话时,Benny 说在 README 部分有一个渠道,开发者可以切换到测试网上。


开发者可以加入我们的 Telegram 群组或专门提供适当支持的 Discord 频道。

问题 4:所有接收到 TAP 的机会都会同时分发吗?

关于空投给所有符合条件的人的 $TAP 代币的分发,将使用 TAP 协议的多重发送功能。 符合条件的人的地址将被添加到空投列表中,然后通过一两个交易发送。

问题 5:近期会推出其他功能或开发工具吗?

虽然没有具体日期,但 Benny 说不久将发布更多的开发者工具。他说,开发这些工具的目的是让人们的生活更轻松,这已通过偶尔发布的样板代码得到体现。


问题 6:$TAP 代币启动的资金用途是什么?它会用于增加团队吗?

Benny 对这些问题的回答是,资金将用于营销、社区和团队扩展。

问题 7:参与生态系统验证池(EVP)的 TAP 代币年收益率(APY)是多少?

根据 Trac System 的团队成员 Seothe 的说法,参与 EVP 的 $TAP 代币年收益率约为 5%。

问题 8:EVP 参与者还会获得哪些奖励?

Seothe 解释说,生态系统验证池是为那些对运行节点不感兴趣或知识有限的人创建的,让他们有机会参与而不必担心运行验证器许可证所需的能源资源等问题。

他还强调了一些对在 TAP 协议下构建感兴趣的项目。这些项目也会向 EVP 的参与者提供一定数量的代币。 此外,EVP 的参与者还有机会从随后希望在 TAP 协议上构建的项目中获得空投和奖励。点击这里获取验证池的更多信息。

问题 9:EVP 参与者将获得多少 $TAP 代币?

根据 Seothe 的说法,将向 EVP 参与者提供约 350,000 美元的 $TAP 代币。

问题 10:Trac 核心的索引和预言机能力还有哪些期待?

由于区块链索引数据作为预言机和 Trac 核心的去中心化功能的重要性,Benny 表示,将会有更多的协议使用 Trac 进行索引。

问题 11:$TRAC 代币的用途是什么?

Benny 向社区保证有 $TRAC 代币的计划。他谈到了创建一个 Trac 商店;一个类似应用商店的商店,TAP 协议下的项目可以在这里轻松访问。 他进一步解释说,$TRAC 代币将作为 Trac 商店的实用代币。应用内购买将使用 $TRAC 进行。

问题 12:是否计划在 Telegram 和 Discord 上为 TRAC TAP 和 PIPE 创建独立的社区空间?

Benny 认为创建更多群组可能是个好主意。他还补充说: 这可能会促进不同社区之间的竞争。 这也将有助于减少当前群组中存在的困惑。因为讨论将集中在特定的协议上。

问题 13:是否有计划将 TRAC 迁移到 TAP?

根据 Benny 的说法,将 TRAC 迁移到 TAP 似乎是个好主意,因为它有很多好处。

尽管他指出了一些限制,比如: TAP 协议不能支持 TRAC 代码的字符数。 哪种迁移方式合适;是考虑桥接切换还是像 GhostyCash 那样的热切换。 他表示,社区将决定是否有必要迁移。

问题 14:PIPE 的使用场景是什么?

Benny 先讲述了创建 PIPE 的初衷,他还谈到了将人工智能(AI)功能整合到 PIPE 中的可能性。 他解释说,PIPE 是为了给那些发现 Ordinal 空间复杂的用户提供简单的功能而创建的。

当被问及是否有计划迁移 PIPE 时,Benny 说没有。他解释说,PIPE 在功能目的等方面与 TAP 是独立的。他还向社区保证,不久将会有很多 PIPE 的新功能推出。


AMA 会话一直是社区进行有见地的探讨的时刻。唯一不变的是团队不断创新,以满足加密用户的需求。 我们对社区表示感谢,因为他们相信 TAP 并通过预售的成功表达了他们的支持。


Trac Systems Discord:
TRAC on X:
TAP on X:
Pipe Protocol on X:
TAP Protocol Telegram :
Pipe Protocol Telegram:

