Finding the Best Erectile Treatment

2 min readApr 5, 2018


When curing erectile dysfunction it’s important to have yourself checked by an expert on the reproductive health to guarantee that you are not suffering from any other health problem like heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and other physiological problems. If the doctor has declared that you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, this is the only moment that you will seek dysfunction treatment based on your needs and plan. Out of 10 men with a physical disorder, seven are more susceptible to erectile dysfunction at Elna Sexual Wellness.

There are a number if dysfunction treatment that a patient can pick from Elna Sexual Wellness. One can go for the common methods of treating erectile dysfunction that is the intake of medications like Viagra orally. In most cases, these are the drugs that are prescribed by most physicians. Because these can result in too many side effects on other patients like hot flushes, palpitation and increased breathing, and anxiety.

Some oral drugs help in erectile dysfunction treatment by stopping the nitric oxide from breaking which with time allows the muscles of the penile to relax enabling enough amount of blood to circulate without interruption to make you create an erection. Any medication with PDE-5 inhibitors can boost your sex drive up to more than 36 hours since it can make a lot of blood flow in the veins of the penile. Another erectile dysfunction medication is with the use of a good hormone that also makes the muscle in the male sexual organ stay relax thus allowing for blood to flow making you erect. The hormone is injected into the male reproduction organ by using the very fine needle. For people who are suffering from low tester one levels, hormone injection is a good help. Get more facts about penis enlargements at

Other alternatives to erectile dysfunction treatment are also non-invasive approach, where the patient must not have any medication orally. Vacuum devices are another form of treatments, and it is acquiring a lot of acknowledgment nowadays due to its effectiveness. This is the plastic pump where the male reproductive organ should be inserted. As the process takes place, the air in the pump is pumped out, and this makes the male reproductive organ to swell and erect for long enough to have sexual activity. The vacuum device has three features; the plastic cylinder, while you put the penile, a pump that sucks the air out and the ring band, that is used to be put at the end of the shaft to maintain the erection once the cylinder, is removed.

