How to Bulk Track Packages via CSV Upload — TrackingMore Ultimate Guide

3 min readJun 16, 2017


It is a very amazing function that you can do things in bulk, which can undoubtedly substitute those highly tedious, repeted work and thus to reduce labor force and save time. Track one or two packages a time may not bother you. However, when tracking hundreds of or even thousands of packages a time, bulk uploading of all customers’ information in an CSV file to view the real-time tracking info and delivery can be really a nice way to manage your fulfillment.

How to upload CSV file on TrackingMore

1. Login onto your TrackingMore account or Sign Up here;

2. Click “Track”>”Import”;

3. Select your CSV file and click import button.

What is a CSV file?

A CSV file, similar to Microsoft Excel, is a text file whose name ends up with .csv. It is widely used to import and export from programs that store data in tables. A .csv file is generally much smaller than a standard database file, so can be uploaded much more quickly to a website. Click to download a sample CSV upload file.

How to fill out a CSV file?

After clicking the link above and downloading a CSV file, you may see some parameters appeared in the format. Some of the parameters are required files, such as “original courier”, “tracking_number”. Others are optional parameters. Below is the scrrenshot of full parameters.

Figure One CSV file Sample
Figure Two CSV Upload File

The simple way is to just enter the original courier code and tracking number which are required fileds when filling out the CSV file. If you are tracking domestic packages, the original courier field is the courier code of the courier. For example, if your package is delivered within Hong Kong via Hong Kong Post, then the courier code you entered should be “hong-kong-post”. If your package is delivered from the United States to Hong Kong via USPS and Hong Kong Post, then the original courier field you entered should be “usps”.

Original Courier: TrackingMore, a package tracking tool, does auto detect courier name based on the tracking number. But I suggest you find the courier code here and enter the corresponding counterpart in the CSV file. This is a simple and easy step to avoid misjudgment by the system as tracking number formats may sometime the same for different couriers. For example, if your package is from Hong Kong Post, then the courier code you entered should be “hong-kong-post”. You can refer to the full explanations of parameters by clicking CSV Upload.


1. To track Deutsche Post packages, you need also fill out the “tracking_ship_date” field. For example, if you ship on 10th May, 2017, you just need to enter 201705.

2. To Track PostNL International 3S packages, you need also fill out “tracking_destination_country” and “tracking_postal_code”.


1. The first row cannot be changed. It should be untouched.

2. Make sure the cells format is text before editing the CSV, sometimes the tracking number will be truncated and the phone number “+” sign will be identified as a formula.

3. Do not exceed 10,000 rows when importing a CSV file.

