3 min readJun 21, 2016


Never Say These To Your Child’s School Bus Driver

A School bus driver’s job is a risky one. They have to manage students as well as parents. With the advent of RFID technology in school bus tracking, driving became less complex. There are so many things that the parents complain to school bus drivers. But there are certain things that parents should not say to them.

Here is the list of things that you should not say to school bus drivers:

  • It’s really dangerous to let my child travel in a bus”

Parents often say this to the school bus drivers. But it is a known fact a bus is safer than a car. It is made with tall padded seats without seat belts. Children would have less impact at the time of accidents. Hence saying the above thing is a complete nonsense as most schools also make use of latest tech such as RFID technology in school bus tracking.

Must Read: How can RFID Technology Help Library Management

  • My child got bullied and you hardly know a thing about it”

This is the usual complaint said by parents and it happens quite often. Nothing can be done regarding this. Drivers have to deal with children as well as a school bus. The real thing is that the child never report to the driver whenever the bullying happens. Hence the real blame goes to kids rather than drivers.

  • Are you 100% sure it was my kid?”

Parents often doubt if it is their own child who is the real troublemaker. If there are enough number of student witnesses, it is better to believe them. A driver would never lie to parents about their children without reasons and above all they are not visually impaired as they can check through their camera.

  • Do you even know that my child was attacked first?”

This is a wrong thing to say before a school bus driver. Parents should try to make their child better by not encouraging their wrongdoings. As drivers they should equally consider both the children and take care of them. Hence it is not a valid cover up for the child, as the safety of both children is a driver’s responsibility.

  • “I am aware my child is the troublemaker”

By saying this, drivers have a feeling that parents do not care about what their child is up to. And they are not ready to teach them good things. If parents know about that, change their child’s attitude rather than saying it to drivers.

  • “I’m paying my child’s bus fees on time. So you should come to my house”

School bus do not go to certain private roads. There are certain limitation for the bus when climate changes. It would be difficult for the bus when the road is wet or covered with snow.

  • “Sorry I couldn’t come earlier”

This is the thing that school bus drivers hate most. If one child is late, then remaining children also become late. Hence, never become late for the driver’s sake as it is a complete waste of time for them.

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  • “Sorry, I couldn’t spot you”

Parents often blabber this statement. It is absolutely foolish thing to say to a school bus driver. As a school bus is the vehicle which can be easily identified even from a distance as it is fully painted with yellow color.

  • “You must have made a mistake, I never passed you”

Drivers are well aware of the vehicles that overtake them. They took notice of the license plates and can contact the police who handle them later. It is essentially an offense to pass the school bus without their permission.

  • “How do you do your job without killing someone?”

Obviously the job of a school bus driver is not glamorous. They are trained to handle tight situation and thus avoid unnecessary accidents.

School bus drivers are not someone who we can bestow complaints unnecessarily. They are someone who we should give respect for making the students safe to and from school.




Trackschoolbus is for tracking school bus, Addressing the safety concerns of parents and school authorities regarding students.