Successful Writers Know What Habits to Break

Hearing the dawn chorus before bed is a bad writing habit

Tracy Brighten
4 min readMay 8, 2020
Image by Kaz on Pixabay

You might be the kind of writer I aspire to be, waking with the rising sun and moving through Camel, Plow and Upward Facing Dog with ease. The writer who starts their day when my head hits the pillow; the writer with two blog posts written before lunch and a feature fired off before tea.

Then again, you might be more like me. When you are busy with work, your course is set and your mind is clear. But other times, you find yourself at sea, tossed from port to starboard in a storm of creativity. With thoughts raining down, you jot ideas on paper or bash them into Word. You read articles, you search for studies. You scan the news online and from time to time in print. You cut things out that catch your eye and file them in your pile. So many stories to cover, so many angles to explore. Your list grows longer by the day. You are drowning in ideas. Where’s the lifejacket!

With data overwhelm, you pull the plug. You detach from digital, just for a bit. Notebook and pen, a chair in the garden, a bench in the park. Nature works wonders to calm the mind. Oh, those soothing shades of green, the leaf-rustling breeze.

The storm passes and you’re on an even keel. Focused on one article, you’re back on course…



Tracy Brighten

Freelance writer and copywriter. Heathy nature, healthy people advocate. Sustainable living is our future.