Time to get off my backside and confront him

Tracy Brighten
1 min readMay 15, 2017


He’s been coming round a lot lately, persuading me and pretending to have my best interests at heart when really he’s a self-serving blighter.

When I’m thinking of going for a speed walk he’s telling me: “weather’s not too good today”. When I’m about to pop my kit on for a cross-trainer workout, he’s at my shoulder saying: “you can’t exercise on an empty stomach”. Even when I’m thinking about some gentle stretching after a long stint of writing, he’s there with coffee and biscuits… “homemade why don’t you?” He always seems to catch me off guard.

I should never have listened. I gave in far too easily. I’m not usually such a pushover.

I’ve been thinking about where this copping out will get me and today I made a new start. I opened the door and threw him out. “And don’t come back,” I yelled so the neighbours could hear.

I’ve made up my mind to stand up to Mr Excuse!

Tracy is a freelance content writer, copy editor and blogger specialising in health, nature, education and sustainable living. For hire:
tracybrightenwriter.com | Nature in Mind | @TracyBrighten1

Image credit: Pixabay



Tracy Brighten

Freelance writer and copywriter. Heathy nature, healthy people advocate. Sustainable living is our future. www.tracybrightenwriter.com