Vegan Quibblers Hinder Positive Change

Let’s not make veganism an exclusive club

Tracy Brighten
4 min readApr 3, 2017
Image credit: Pixabay

I recently read a post on Plant Based News reporting that health expert Dr Oz dedicated an entire episode of his show to the vegan diet, predicting that veganism is going to be the “single biggest movement of 2017.”

That should be good news for vegans.

But instead of welcoming the rise in popularity of vegan diets and the positive knock-on effect for animal welfare, the environment and human health, some vegans are quibbling over terms.

Among the online community, some are suggesting this new wave of plant eaters can’t call themselves vegan because veganism is a lifestyle and not a diet. While I understand the distinction they’re making — veganism opposes animals being exploited as a commodity in any way, not just for food — I think they’re missing a key point.

We should be careful of making veganism a club with entry standards. I shouldn’t even be including myself because I’m not sure I pass as vegan. Although I don’t consume any animal-derived product, I don’t buy leather, wool, or fur, and I detest animal cruelty for sport or entertainment, I’ve yet to look for products that haven’t been tested on animals. I’m sure there’s much more for me to learn yet.



Tracy Brighten

Freelance writer and copywriter. Heathy nature, healthy people advocate. Sustainable living is our future.