Blogging about Trading

2 min readSep 19, 2016


It has been a long time coming in starting to write my trading blogs. I have had a few ideas on information that I can share, but didn’t take the first step — just start, until I came across Natalie’s blog challenge so This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 10

Over the past 10 days I have written and enjoyed doing a daily blog in response to the challenges. My favourite part was writing and recollecting previous travels which has got me excited about planning the next cycle tour. The biggest takeaway was thinking about the most important actions that I need to do on a daily basis. We all have “things” that we need to do, but how often do we think about which actions are important to achieve our goals and visions. That particular blog made me realise I waste a great deal of time each day on “things” that are not that important.

My goal from here is to carry on writing blogs where I will be sharing “Trading” related information. As I have mentioned previously, I have a topic that will be written over 12–16 weeks that will highlight in a practical way some “truths” about trading and what it takes to become a consistently profitable trader.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blogs and if you know anyone who is interested in trading or is already trading please share my blog posts.

Miguel — TravelingTrendTrader

Follow me:

Twitter: @TraderMig

Facebook: TravelingTrendTrader

