What I want to Accomplish, and what I need to accomplish it.

Tranime Girl
5 min readJan 7, 2019


I am here to fight for what is right. I’m going to take a moment to lay out what I am, what my views are, what I’m willing to do, where my faults are… and what I really need from those who would like to see me succeed at this.

Yes, I do believe transsexual women are women. I honestly believe it’s a developmental condition and a female brain developed with a male body. I know some people don’t agree with me on that, and that’s ok. I don’t need everyone to agree with me on that. If I can go about my life without hassle, then whatever you think a transsexual woman is is not going to ruin my day.

What I’ve been seeing with the “trans community” isn’t right. My condition has been used as a weapon to allow men to access and harm women. People want to frame restrictions on trans as “claiming trans woman are going to harm ciswomen”, but that’s not at all what I’m saying. I am saying the people coming in under unreasonably lax rules are not transsexuals in the first place. The transsexual woman is not a threat to women, and most women know that. It’s the men claiming to be trans who are not trans that are the threat. I do not believe the vast majority of “trans” are in fact transsexuals.

I think Self ID is wrong. While I do feel transsexuals should be able to change their identification, there needs to be limits. This can’t be a free-for-all. People who have been legitimately diagnosed as transsexuals and undergo a meaningful transition should be allowed to change their ID and fit in with the other members of the sex they transitioned to. I don’t think pre-ops should be welcomed where women are undressed. I was a pre-op at one point, obviously. Yes, it sucks to be “different”, but that’s just life. It’s not fair to women to be mixed in with people who have a penis. It’s just not. It’s one thing in a restroom where we’re all behind closed stalls, but locker rooms are a whole other story.

I am absolutely appalled by the concept of “cotton ceiling”. I don’t think it’s transphobic for a lesbian to decide not to accept transsexual partners. The entitlement of “transgender” people regarding sexual partners is absolutely vile. Everyone is entitled to decline sex for absolutely any reason they want. If a lesbian decides she doesn’t want to sleep with you because you stuffed a crayon up your nose when you were three years old, she is fully within her right to decline for that reason or any other reason she could possibly come up with. No means No. Full stop!

Children need to be left out of this. Yes, transsexuals are born transsexual. Children don’t need to be taught this. A transsexual child will figure that out on his or her own. The beginning of puberty is important. Many children will sort themselves out when puberty hits. If a child is still insisting they are or are supposed to be the opposite sex, fine, they can transition then. They don’t need to be put on blockers when they’re 8, they don’t need to be pushed in to it. Some girls are tomboys, some boys are flamboyant. These kids are not necessarily transsexual, the vast vast majority of them are not transsexual. Transition will damage these children’s lives beyond repair.

I don’t believe non-binary is a valid thing. Humans only have 2 genders. Yes, I said it. Live with it. Regardless if it is or isn’t, it isn’t transsexualism. Non-binaries need to fight on their own grounds, on their own merits, and they need to back their claims on their own.

I do believe transsexuals should have access to healthcare, obviously. A thorough diagnostic process is crucial, and, if they’re indeed transsexual, the current treatment is a full transition. Informed consent, however, is absolute insanity. This is a life changing process. Transsexuals benefit from this process. However, anyone else that manages to get their hands on this treatment will be utterly devastated by it. No, HRT is not “completely safe”. Even if the side effects didn’t exist, taking on the secondary sex characteristics of the opposite sex is detrimental for people who are not transsexual. There are other conditions that can falsely present as “trans”, and is the biggest reason why “informed consent” must never be adopted.

So there’s my views regarding “trans”. I want my videos, tweets, and articles on this topic to reach as many people as it possibly can. I want to speak in person when new nonsense laws are being put in to place. I am prepared to give this fight all the time I can.

Here’s the part where I ask for help to do this. I know I’ll be asking a lot of people, but bare with me.

First and foremost, I need to know where I’m needed. If you see something you think I need to do, let me know. I’ll speak up, I’ll make videos, I’ll write letters, and if I can, I’ll show up in person where I’m needed.

I need as many people as possible to stand with me in this fight. The more voices we have, the better we will be heard. It doesn’t matter if you’re a transsexual, a feminist, a man… whomever you are, we need to stand together and shout.

I really want to dedicate a large portion of my time to this. I’m going to need supporters. I need to pay rent on an apartment, I need to eat, I need to maintain a computer to work from, I have general bills to pay. The less I have to work another job to take care of those things, the more time I can give to this cause. I don’t want to be rich. If I was looking for riches, I’d get a camera and throw an iPhone off the grand cayon or whatever is popular on YouTube right now. It’s just that if I can free up my time from getting what I need, I can put that time towards this fight.

There it all is. You know why I’m here, you know what I am, and you know what I’m looking to do. That’s all I’ve got to say at the moment.



Tranime Girl

I'm a post op transsexual woman who's very opinionated. My pronouns are: f-ing obvious!! 📞(914) 495-1220