Introducing ERC721TL: The Ultimate Creator Contract

Transient Labs
5 min readJul 7, 2023


We are excited to unveil ERC721TL, the core creator contract developed by Transient Labs, designed to empower creators like you with unmatched innovation, gas efficiency, and groundbreaking features. In this post, we will delve into the details that make ERC721TL unique and explain why it is the ultimate tool for building and showcasing your digital creations.

ERC721 tokens are best suited for representing one-of-a-kind, unique digital assets. Artists may choose ERC721 for their creations when they want to emphasize the individuality and scarcity of their artworks. Each ERC721 token is distinct and cannot have more than one owner, making it ideal for digital art pieces, collectibles, and rare virtual assets.

Creator Sovereignty

At Transient Labs, we believe that creators should have complete sovereignty over their work. With ERC721TL, you are in full control of your creations. Our contracts are owned solely by creators, ensuring that your art remains in your hands and under your authority. ERC721TL implements a robust access control mechanism, combining simplicity and security. By leveraging the Ownable contract from OpenZeppelin and role-based access mechanisms, you can easily manage permissions and maintain control over critical actions such as minting tokens and changing token metadata.

Now let’s jump into some of the defining features of this contract!

Mint 1000 NFTs for the price of 1 with Batch Minting

Experience unparalleled gas efficiency with ERC721TL, setting a new standard for cost-effective token minting. Our contract implements market-leading batch mint operations that optimize gas usage while adhering to the ERC-721 specification. Whether you need to mint a single token or thousands, ERC721TL offers an ultra-efficient solution. Truly, you can mint 1000 NFTs for the price of one.

Batch Minting Comparison

Gas Efficient Airdrops

ERC721TL supports both single-token and multi-token airdrops, providing seamless distribution options. Our code-less airdrop solutions through The Lab are not only cost-effective but also easy to implement, saving you time and effort.

Future Proof with Burn Capability

ERC721TL empowers collectors with the ability to burn tokens, providing flexibility and control over their NFTs. While the burn function is intended primarily for creators with burn and redeem contracts in the future, collectors also have the freedom to burn tokens according to their preference. The burn function allows the token owner or an approved operator to initiate the burning process. Operator approval is specifically required for burn and redeem contracts, ensuring configurability and allowing for future decisions regarding redemption. This feature enhances the versatility and adaptability of ERC721TL, catering to the evolving needs of creators and collectors alike.

Royalties, EIP-2981 Compliance, and Blocklist

We understand the importance of royalties in ensuring fair compensation for creators. That’s why ERC721TL fully supports EIP-2981, allowing you to configure royalties on-chain. Our implementation provides contract-level default royalty configurations and the flexibility for individual token overrides.

To further protect your rights as a creator, we have introduced BlockList. BlockList allows you to block your creations from being listed on non-royalty-paying platforms, reinforcing the value of your work and ensuring that your royalties are honored by those who showcase and sell your art.

Of course, if you do not want to use a BlockList, we give you that option as well.

Preserving Artistic Narratives on the Blockchain with Story Inscriptions

Art goes beyond its visual form, carrying the stories of artists, inspiration, and the experiences of collectors. However, capturing and sharing these narratives in the decentralized space has been a challenge. That’s why we present Story Inscriptions, developed in collaboration with Michelle Viljoen, a groundbreaking solution that revolutionizes storytelling in the NFT ecosystem. This revolutionary contract mechanic is built into every TL core creator contract (ERC721 and 1155).

With Story Inscriptions, artists and collectors can now immortalize their narratives on the blockchain, ensuring their stories remain immutable and censorship-resistant. Gone are the days of scattered and fleeting descriptions on Twitter. Story Inscriptions provide a permanent, on-chain solution, enriching the art with its accompanying story. We are actively working to integrate this feature with leading marketplaces, and in the meantime, we are developing our own user-friendly dApp for writing and reading stories.

On the technical front, Story Inscriptions adhere to ERC-165, ensuring compatibility with other contracts and long-term sustainability. Gas efficiency is also a priority, with testing revealing minimal gas costs for story submissions. For example, a 5000-word story (100+ tweets) incurs a gas cost of just 694795 gas, translating to an efficient expenditure of 0.0694795 ETH at 100 gwei gas prices, making it accessible and cost-effective.

Secure Multi-Sig Metadata Updates with Synergy

To safeguard collectors and preserve metadata integrity, we have developed the Synergy mechanism. By implementing a propose-commit scheme, both creators and collectors have a say in approving metadata changes, fostering trust and transparency.

In the event an update is needed, the creator proposes a metadata update. The collector can then visualize the change and approve or reject it. Once approved, the metadata is updated, but then and only then. This process gives the collector piece of mind that their token metadata will not only be secure but have increased longevity in the event the metadata needs revision or repair.

Synergy Process


ERC721TL by Transient Labs is the ultimate creator contract that empowers artists and creators with unparalleled innovation, gas efficiency, and groundbreaking features.


  • With complete sovereignty over your creations, you retain full control of your art as the contracts are owned solely by you.
  • ERC721TL introduces market-leading batch minting operations, seamless airdrop functionality, and the ability to burn tokens, providing you with flexible options for managing your NFTs.
  • Additionally, the integration of EIP-2981 royalties and the BlockList feature ensures that your work is respected and valued when traded on the secondary market.
  • Story Inscriptions revolutionize storytelling in the NFT ecosystem, enabling you to immortalize narratives on the blockchain.
  • The Synergy mechanism for metadata security offers peace of mind for your collectors but gives you flexibility and future-proof technology.

Join us at The Lab and unlock the full potential of your digital creations with ERC721TL, the ultimate contract for building and showcasing your art.
Sign up for The Lab early access here:



Transient Labs

Building the impossible with custom smart contracts and NFTs || Founders: @benstraussphoto & @mpeyfuss ||