Explore These 25 Things To Do In Serbia

15 min readJan 8, 2019


Situated on the Balkan Peninsula, the nation of Serbia is home to excellent scenes and an intriguing history and ensures that it will leave each visitor with plenty of things to do in Serbia.

With a storied past that incorporates substantial inclusion in the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the intrusion by the Huns, Serbia’s design contains everything from the remnants of a magnificent Roman royal residence to a pinnacle actually made of human skulls.

The nation’s contribution in a few twentieth-century wars, especially World Wars I and II and the Yugoslav War of the 1990s, left Serbia with many fight scars and remembrances that check these injuries. Guests will discover proof of the nation’s history wherever they go, from the legends that pursue the Devil’s Town to the light fixtures made of weapons in Ruzica Church. So, without further ado, here’s your list of things to do in Serbia.

25 Best Things to Do in Serbia

1. Arača

Once there was a whole town encompassing this Romanesque church, which was worked in the thirteenth century. In any case, following many long stretches of razing, intrusions, and rehashed devastation, all you will find currently are the remains, which incorporate a few dividers, curves, and part of a pinnacle.

Its last pulverization happened in 1551 courtesy of the Ottomans, and unlike other such past events, the congregation was never reconstructed after this last catastrophe.

Today, it sits in the focal point of a cornfield and its fractional structure, still reminiscent of the fabulous building that once remained there, fills in a sense of the creepy and supernatural notice of a period past. This monument is currently under state protection.

2. Belgrade Aviation Museum

The building that houses the Belgrade Aviation Museum resembles a goliath glass mushroom with bent, reflected glass sheets.

Situated close to the Nikola Tesla Airport in Belgrade, the Aviation Museum recounts the tale of aviation trips in Serbia, from the mid-1900s to the present. Inside, there are planes from World War II and, strangely enough, the exhibition hall holds three planes from this time made, individually, in Germany, Britain, and Russia, all bearing Yugoslavian attire. It’s an exceptional peculiarity of Serbian history, and one of the tales that guests will learn in the gallery.

Visitors will discover bits of history, from the all around the museum, from the saved airship in plain view in the displays to the lumbering remains of the old flying machine outside the gallery.

3. Belgrade Fortress

Belgrade Fortress is found where the Danube and Sava streams meet, making it a vital place for a settlement. This is the reason the site of Belgrade Fortress has been utilized by people since the Neolithic times.

The Romans, amid the first century AD, were the first to manufacture anything here, and from that point forward, structures have been assembled and demolished routinely until the point when the present Belgrade Fortress was built in the eighteenth century. Be that as it may, these dividers still contain bits of the fortification’s Upper Town, which was worked in the fifteenth century, and today guests can investigate all parts of the old post for an intriguing look at the manner in which history has unfurled and continued throughout the years.

4. Ruzica Church

The Ruzica Church, located inside the Belgrade Fortress, is really the second of a similar name to be built there. The first was devastated by the Turks in the sixteenth century, and the current Ruzica Church was constructed in 1867 and then revamped after World War I. The outside of this little church is canvassed in ivy, which coats its dividers like a cover. Within, guests will discover brilliantly painted roofs and, most inquisitively, crystal fixtures made completely from old weapons. Fighters who rebuilt the Church after World War I utilized swords, parts of guns, and spent shell housings to create the inconceivably remarkable lighting apparatuses of Ruzica Church.

5. Belgrade Tesla Museum

The Belgrade Tesla Museum praises the life and works of regarded researcher Nikola Tesla, who is renowned for his work in the field of power and for his innovation of the AC electrical framework, the Tesla loop, and substantially more.

Tesla was Serbian, in spite of the fact that he was conceived in a region belonging to the then Austrian Empire that is presently Croatia. At the exhibition hall, guests can see a huge number of his assets, including reports and gear. There are likewise a few models of his creations and his labs everywhere throughout the world. The museum displays various objects from his life as part of the memorial exhibition and interactive 3D displays of some of his inventions. On occasion, thematic representation of his work and life for a specified period of time are on display as special exhibitions.

6. Belgrade Zoo

The Belgrade Zoo is situated in Kalemegdan Park, which is the focal stop of the city of Belgrade. It is one of the most seasoned zoos in all of Europe and was first opened in 1936. The zoo is open 365 days a year from 8 am until 6 pm, and the last tickets of the day are sold about 30 minutes before nightfall.

This zoo, additionally called the Garden of Good Hope, is home to 1,700 creatures and flaunts the most elevated rate of regular origination of any zoo in Europe, which implies that the creatures there are for the most part very glad and sound. One of the occupants of the zoo, an alligator named Mujo, has even been with the Belgrade Zoo since it was first opened, and currently holds the world record for the oldest alligator in captivity.

7. Church of Saint Sava

Belgrade (Beograd), Saint Sava Cathedral (Hram Svetog Save) and Monument of Karageorge Petrovitch (Karadjordje Petrovic)

This huge church, situated in Belgrade, is the biggest Serbian Orthodox Church in the nation and one of the biggest houses of worship on the planet. Located in the Vracar municipality, this great Orthodox church has been through quite a bit owing to the turbulent history of Serbia but the exterior renovations are reconstruction was finally completed in 2017 and internal restorations are in process.

Also, every day at twelve, right around 50 chimes will toll and their ringing can be heard for miles. The congregation holds up to 10,000 individuals at one time and stands as a famous image of confidence for Serbian Orthodox admirers.

8. Devil’s Town Rock Formation

In southeastern Serbia, a unique rock formation called Ðavolja Varoš, or “Devil’s Town,” remains on the Radan Mountain. These tall, thin spires of rock extend up to 15 meters in length and have an intriguing legend behind them. Folklore implies that these formations are actually the remnants of an old wedding party turned to stone by the demon.

In reality, the formations were made through long periods of soil and wind erosion. Guests to Devil’s Town will appreciate the display of these odd spires and can also check out the adjacent mineral springs, which are greatly acidic.

9. Drina River House

Sitting on a pile of rocks amidst the Drina River is a little house that looks quite intriguing on its lonely perch. The little house so carefully balanced on the stone has some way or another withstood more than 40 years of rising and falling water levels on the Drina. Built in the 1960s by a group of companions who wished for who wished to utilise the privacy of the spot and as a place to spread out in the daylight and go swimming.

The little one-room house was manufactured totally by hand and has since been utilized as an occasional home for its maker. The house is private property, and despite the fact that it very well may be seen by anybody, it isn’t open for guests. However, the location by the Drina River itself is extremely picturesque, you can swim in the rive and overall the place is a beautiful sight to see.

10. Ethnographic Museum

This historical centre, situated in Belgrade, is one of the most established in the Balkans and records the social history of the country of Serbia. The exhibition hall is tremendous, containing around 100,000 reports and works of art and around 60,000 different ancient rarities.

Guests to the Ethnographic Museum can find out about Serbian people, their culture, conventional society attire, farming, religious traditions, and customary artworks like stoneware and weaving. The gallery’s shows contain gems, materials, weapons, apparatuses, and family unit things from a wide range of periods and areas in Serbia, and it means to show guests the long and vivid history of this country.

11. Fruska Gora National Park

View of the panorama of Novi Sad from the mountain of Fruska Gora

Fruska Gora is the tallest mountain in the area, for which this national park is named. It is home to some unimaginably exceptional fossils, and this has earned it a moniker as the “reflection of the land past.”

Visitors to Fruska Gora National Park will discover 35 religious communities, going back to the fifteenth century, and numerous little mountain cottages that can be found on the slants of Fruska Gora. There are a few known trails on the mountain that are incredible for climbing, including one which is utilized for the Fruska Gora Marathon and goes through a significant number of the cottages, religious communities, and little towns in the recreation centre.

12. Gamzigrad Felix Romuliana

The Late Roman fortified palace compound and memorial complex of Gamzigrad-Romuliana, Palace of Galerius, in the east of Serbia

In the year 289 AD, a castle complex was based on this site close to current Zaječar to memorialize the origin of Roman Emperor Galerius. It was named for his mom, Romula, who was an agnostic priestess, and the castle was the biggest in the district. It filled in as a sanctuary to the two — his mom’s godlikeness and Galerius’ own great deeds.

In the fifth century, long after the sovereign was gone, the castle was obliterated by the Huns and turned into a settlement for basic people like agriculturists until the point that the Slavs touched base amid the seventh century. Today, archaeological endeavours have uncovered the remnants of this royal residence, and guests can see the site and the rest of the structures where it once stood.

13. Golubac Castle/Golubac Fortress

The town of Golubac is situated on the eastern outskirt of Serbia, over the Danube River from Romania. It is a simple 2-hour drive from Belgrade, making it an extraordinary spot for a multi-day excursion, and it is home to the old and one of a kind Golubac Castle or Fortress.

This stone fortress was constructed sometime around the fourteenth century and has three compounds which were constructed in different phases. It is amazingly safeguarded, with the vast majority of the stronghold flawless, aside from a certain something: it is in part submerged in the waters of the Danube River. A hydroelectric dam constructed in 1964 caused flooding on the slope where the château is found and, therefore, a portion of the external dividers of Golubac Castle are submerged.

14. Kosmaj Monument

The Kosmaj Monument was established in 1970 and comprises six monstrous concrete structures, which expand outward from the main post like an exceptionally spiky star. It is situated over the tallest mountain in the district by the same name, Kosmaj, and can be seen for miles.

The landmark memorializes Serbian fighters who battled against the Germans when they possessed Belgrade during World War II. More than 5,000 of these warriors lost their lives in the fight for opportunity, however, they never surrendered and fought constantly for freedom. Shockingly, today the landmark has been vandalized and has fallen into a condition of decay, however, it is as yet an amazing sight and a noteworthy inheritance to those to whom it was committed.

The entire area of Kosmaj itself is a huge touristic hub. The area has been well maintained to encourage hiking, cycling and other activities. The area has hotels, camps, villages and even a mineral spa for travellers to enjoy.

15. Memorial Park Bubanj

Bubanj Park in Niš has strolling trails and lush spots where individuals can explore, yet the focal point of this stop is a monster marble landmark, standing over 20 meters tall. The five compositions that make up this piece speak to the movement and progression of World War II and how it affected the Serbians. It additionally has three concrete structures rising in the air in the form of hands forming fists.

The recreation centre itself really denotes the most awful mass executions in Serbia, where German powers kept in excess of 10,000 Serbians as detainees and afterwards shot and murdered them all. The greater part of the exploited people were regular citizens and natives of Niš, and their lives are recollected by this landmark and the recreation centre it remains in.

16. National Museum of Serbia

The National Museum of Serbia, situated in Belgrade, is home to more than 40,000 ancient rarities identifying with the historical backdrop of Serbia, including work of art, books and archives, and archaeological and verifiable curios.

The accumulation of the gallery is continually growing, yet the absolute most prevalent and critical things in plain view incorporate artistic creations, frescoes, and ancient works like carvings and earthenware.

The historical centre was opened in 1844, making it the most established gallery in all of Serbia and previous Yugoslavia. Guests can investigate the exhibition hall and its numerous accumulations from Tuesday to Sunday, as the gallery is closed on Mondays.

17. Nis Fortress

Fortress of Nis, the most famous landmark in the town which hosts Nisville jazz festival in south Serbia

Niš Fortress is a tremendous and old structure established by the Turkish Empire, and it is a standout amongst other protected strongholds of its sort. Ideally located on the edge of the Nišava River, Niš Fortress is a huge structure that infers dreams of medieval lords and rulers, with its wide drape dividers and crenellated bastions.

In spite of the fact that the stronghold as we see it today was developed amid the eighteenth century, the historical backdrop of Niš fortification goes back a lot further. The Romans fabricated a settlement and post on a similar site amid the second century, and this was trailed by still more structures from the Huns and the Turkish.

The fortress is also the venue for the ‘Nisville Jazz Festival’ an annually held summer music festival.

18. Popina Memorial Park

Another War II remembrance in Serbia, Popina Memorial Park is devoted to the lives lost in 1941 when German powers met Serbian powers at this site out of the blue. The commemoration landmarks in Popina Memorial Park are on the whole expansive stones of different shapes, some in the shape of pyramids and others that are curved. Every one of the stones has an opening in it. Seen from a specific edge, the gaps line up to frame a creepy passage. This stop isn’t regularly visited by travellers, and its void makes it even more grave and unearthly.

19. Resava Cave

A beautiful Resava cave, massive columns of stalagmites and stalactites and colonnades

Also called Resavska Cave, this sublime cave located in Eastern Serbia near Jelovac is one of the largest cave systems in the nation, extending about 4.5 km in length. Few sections of these caves go back as far as an estimated 80 million years.

The caverns were made by an underground waterway that once went through the limestone bedrock underneath the Earth’s surface. The water left mineral stores on the stone, making the brilliant caverns that can be seen today. A generally 800 m stretch of these caves are open for vacationers to visit and investigate. Guests will discover various stalactites and stalagmites, some of which have names because of their special shapes.

20. River Vučjanka

The Vučjanka River goes through the Serbian district of Leskovac and starts in the town of Vucje. This little Serbian town is referred to best for Kukavica mountain and additionally for the waterway that shares its name. There are small waterfalls along the river and numerous spots that are great for swimming, and angling, and numerous local people appreciate sunbathing on the waterway’s edge.

21. Ruins of the Yugoslav Army HQ

Not all landmarks are statues or figures, acknowledged for their masterful esteem. The vestiges of the Yugoslav Army Headquarters, in Belgrade, are essentially an old block building, unexceptional however for the vast gap that was impacted into it by shelling amid the NATO battle during the 1990s. Its obliteration was generally emblematic, as nobody was working at the time and it had been emptied days earlier. Today, regardless it sits in deterioration, and while it might appeal to most travellers, it’s unbelievably emblematic to Serbians and fills in as a notice of the lost war.

22. Sirmium

Sirmium — the remains of the powerful and beautiful Roman city. Imperial Palace, III century AD.

The town of Sirmium was established amid the first century by the Roman Empire, and in 294 AD was pronounced one of the four capital urban areas of the Romans. Situated on the River Sava, Sirmium today bears a ton of proof of its previous Roman significance. There are old streets and reservoir conduits and in addition the remains of Roman engineering, including majestic showers, a theatre, and even a hippodrome, which was once utilized for steed and chariot hustling. Toward the end of the fourth century, Sirmium’s end accompanied the collapse of the Roman Empire when it was crushed by trespassers.

23. Skull Tower Nis

In 1809, the Serbs confronted the Ottoman Empire in a frantic attempt to take back control. They were bound to lose, and toward the finish of a ridiculous fight, exploded themselves with a barrel of black powder, taking a significant number of their adversaries with them. Furious and vindictive, the Turkish pioneer made an impression on any other person who thought to challenge the Ottoman Empire by ravaging the collections of the radicals and utilizing their skulls to manufacture a pinnacle at the city’s passageway. After the Serbs at long last accomplished victory in 1815, the groups of a portion of the dead etched away the majority of the skulls to give them appropriate burials, however, there are still around 60 still in the pinnacle.

24. Uvac River Meanders

Griffon vulture flying over meanders of Uvac river in southwest Serbia.

The Uvac River extends for around 120 km through Serbia, cutting its way through the valleys among mountains, and making a wide blue break between thickly forested tracts of land. The Meanders are a part of the Uvac River where it twists forward and backwards in a progression of tight circles and crisscrosses, between tall, forcing ravine dividers and green scenes. It’s a fantastic perspective of a genuinely interesting piece of nature and is home to numerous uncommon and outstanding types of fowl and fish, including the exceptionally imperilled griffon vulture.

25. Western City Gate Of Belgrade

Western City Gate of Belgrade viewed from E 70 route.

The Western City Gate of Belgrade is anything but a conventional door, it is a complex of connected towers that remain at the western edge of Serbia’s capital city. The towers are associated by a scaffold at the highest point of the structures, and one of the towers has an eatery over the extension, which rotates in order to give its visitors a consistently evolving 360-degree see. The match of towers is the absolute tallest in Serbia, with 35 stories that are home to workplaces and private spaces. Guests to Belgrade can take a lift to the highest point of the towers, where they can navigate the extension to achieve the other pinnacle and the eatery there.

So here we have 25 of the best things to do in Serbia. Some of them, even if they aren’t exactly “pretty” sites have so much rooted in history that they just might make us ponder over the course this country has taken through the centuries.

You might also want to read about (or visit) this splendid art nouveau synagogue in Serbia which opened itself to visitors in 2018.

Let us know in the comments below if you know of other interesting sites to explore in Serbia.

Originally published at travel.earth on January 8, 2019.




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