How To Get Rid Of Caffeine Headaches

Treat Headaches
3 min readFeb 2, 2018


Most people that drink coffee know that too much coffee can cause a caffeine headache. Knowing more about these types of headaches can help limit or even prevent caffeine headaches.

Where does the caffeine pain begin?

One of the most common signs of a caffeine-induced headache is the source of pain. If you’re a coffee drinker and suffering from a headache that started somewhere in the area behind your eyes, you could probably blame it on caffeine.

A caffeine headache typically worsens as it moves to the front of the forehead. At this point, your mood would start leaning to the dark side. Headaches, when you have a hectic day, are the worst of its kind.

Caffeine headaches are caused by intake and withdrawal

Not all caffeine headaches are caused by caffeine overdose. Others could blame it on their withdrawal from coffee or other caffeinated drinks, such as high energy drinks and soda loaded with caffeine. You know the brands that promote high energy we are talking about here. Either way, if you think a caffeine headache has hit you, here are six tips to help make the pain go away:

  1. Soothe yourself with a gentle massage. Paula Stone, the author of Therapeutic Reflexology, recommends three kinds of hand massage for instant relief from a headache. First, use your index finger to press the soft tissue area of the top of your hand, between the thumb and index finger. Second, open your palm and find the soft zone between your thumb and index finger, too. Press it for a few seconds. Third, press both points at the same time by using your other hand’s thumb and index finger together. Repeat the process until a headache is gone.
  2. Drink more water. Coffee contributes to your fluid intake, but it is also considered a diuretic. It must be noted that there has been no concrete evidence on this matter. According to studies, caffeinated drinks do not significantly contribute to dehydration. However, a high dose of caffeine could disturb the electrolyte balance in your system, triggering dehydration and a nasty headache. There are still ongoing debates on the effect of caffeine on the body’s hydration. So, think of drinking at least eight glasses of water every day as a safety precaution against a caffeine headache. You may also want to boost your water with electrolyte powder to restore balance in your system.
  3. Take a peaceful nap. If you could afford to shut your eyes for a 10-minute power nap, then do it. Be sure to drink a glass of water before taking a nap, though. You would wake up feeling rejuvenated. If taking a nap is not easy for you, just wear an eye mask or close your eyes in a dark room to take a short but effective break.
  4. Use a hot or cold compress. The effects of ice and heat help alleviate body pain. People with headaches typically choose warm packs. Place it on your forehead or temple for 10 to 15 minutes. If you could take a nap while doing so, then it could provide you greater comfort.
  5. Exercise. A simple walk can help lessen the pain and also help rid caffeine out of your system. It can also help take your mind off the headache.
  6. Take a over the counter pain reliever. This is the last option because certain painkillers have side effects that could cause more problems. Some of the known side effects of painkillers are nausea, constipation, and dizziness, among others. Once you have decided to take a pain reliever, make sure to get the dose right or simply get the smallest available dose.

If a caffeine headache persists, it is best to see your doctor.

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