TreeChain Network apply 4.0 technology to prevent erosion in more than 1 million kilometers of coastline

3 min readSep 5, 2018

Coast is being eroded sharply, the urban coastal cities is at risk of being engulfed in the coming years. TreeChain Network will use 4.0 technology applications to make more than 1 million km sand into “jungle” to against intrusion.

Climate change seriously affects land erosion

Climate change is happening more and more unpredictable and cause disasters for all humanity: Hot temparature record caused the death of hundreds of people in Korea and Japan, bushfires occurred in Greece and California mobilized thousands of firefighters to extinguish the fire, or coastal erosions which make huge impact on the lives of people in the delta of the Ganges, Mekong, Nile.

The climate change is mainly due to the activities of human, fossil fuels and deforestation generates greenhouse gases, causing global warming. Ice from 2 poles melted makes the sea level rise and invaded much of the area, saline intrusion deep into the interior.

If sea levels continue to rise would destroy the shoreline, causing intrusion inland, submerging houses into the sea, wipe out coastal villages and devastated the tourism area, pull off all projects of local aquaculture to the sea, salinization all fields and gardens, …lead to economic losses to farmers.

According UNFCCC, as the temperature rises 10 degrees Celsius during the period from 2010 to 2039, the sea level will rise approx. 20cm, therefore, strictly protected forests and sand dunes along the coast is urgently needed, to prevent sea erosion process.

Applying 4.0 technologies to prevent erosion in more than 1 million kilometers of coastline

TreeChain Network will use 4.0 technology applications to make more than 1 million kilometers of coastline in the world into the green fence, blocking intrusion into the mainland.

TreeChain Network will rely on crop research conducted in each country to choose the most suitable plants for coastal climate conditions. At the same time, research and develope bio-chips have thermal compatibility with plants.

Crops will be attached bio-chips integrated technology platform blockchain, all information about the crops stored on the system. When the plant is threatened, growers could catch up and fix it quickly, all plant protection activities are carried out only through technological devices like smart phones.

Thanks to the growing technology and management, the whole plants under the project TreeChain Network will be protected best, especially in the harsh climatic conditions in the coastal areas.

Join the TreeChain Network to fight land erosion today by becoming a volunteer or donate to the project at:

