Music Performance Tips: Recovering From Mistakes

Trevor Watson
8 min readFeb 15, 2024

Look, everybody messes up sometimes.

It happens, even to pros. We all mess up, we all have our off days, our songs or concerts that just don’t go our way.

The secret to making an amazing performance is not necessarily to focus on having a perfect performance. The goal is to make sure that the audience has a great time at your performance, and sometimes focusing on perfection can get in the way more than help.

But it can really throw you off when things start going wrong. One mistake can turn into lots of mistakes, and that can derail your whole performance.

So, how do we recover from mistakes when performing live? When you’re up on stage and the pressure is on, how do you keep it cool?

Here are 5 tips to help you when things start going wrong:

Don’t expect to have a perfect performance

You have to expect that mistakes will happen. If you’re expecting to sail through a concert or piece of music without any issues, you’ve…



Trevor Watson

Digital creator, musician, developer. I write about music and technology, and sometimes both.