Tribo Games - Update November 2022 -

Tribo Games
4 min readNov 11, 2022


Hello Tribo community!

We have a bit of an update on what is happening here at Tribo Games and the kind of projects our team has been busy with lately.

Following the announcement of Tribo Games, we have been maintaining and initiating new discussions with potential investors who are interested in our mission to develop multiplayer games with true staying power.

We have also continued working on various core aspects of our game and future marketing strategies. Our goal is to get a version we are fully satisfied using in an impactful reveal campaign to kick-start our first game community as soon as possible.

Preparation for Slush

Our founding team had closed a round of pre-seed funds of €1.2M from Play Ventures, Sisu Game Ventures, and Joakim Achrén which have enabled us to create our current team, develop the core foundations of our game and execute our studio reveal campaign.

This pre-seed already provides us a good runway to deliver on our mission in the mid-term. Our plans are to extend these funds in order to support our games in the long term with development, new content, and various community-oriented services.

We are maintaining and initiating new discussions with several parties who are interested in becoming potential investors in Tribo Games’ mission. We have been quite busy preparing for our next business milestones, attending meetings with industry leaders and a variety of events. One of them is Slush 2022 in mid-November.

With Tribo Games announced, we are able to engage in these important discussions more easily and with more clarity on who we are, what we have done, what we are doing, and what we can do.

We can take those conversations to a level that would normally be much harder to achieve in full stealth mode.

Mika (CEO), Borja (CPO) and Sasha (CTO) will be heading to Slush for a week very soon. We are excited to tell investors more about our mission and projects.

Welcoming banner at Slush event.

Game development focus.

As we make progress on our next round of funding, we also continue making progress on our game and preparing a one-of-a-kind reveal campaign.

As game creators with experience on industry-defining projects, we know how important it is for the first public version to give everyone an accurate representation of what the game is and what it could also become with your feedback.

We want to involve our community in trying early versions of our game and sharing feedback that can take the project to higher levels before and after its initial release.

We have been quite busy working on several core modules of our game such as systems related to in-game physics, class design, and gameplay abilities.

More info coming in the future :)

If you are also more curious about the general approach we are taking with developing genre-defining multiplayer games with true staying power, we provided a lot of details when answering community questions in our latest Ask The Devs session:

Onto our game reveal marketing campaign.

We also continue defining the final direction we want to take with our reveal campaign and beyond.

We are aiming for a direction that will have as much positive impact as possible on the Tribo Games community, this future game community, Flamey holders, collabs, and the general Web3-gaming industry.

The Tribo Games community acts as a bridge for our portfolio. As we release games and build communities around them, this portfolio community will continue to be an anchor to all our future players.

Our reveal campaign will kick-start the development of our first game community within the Tribo Games ecosystem.

Once done, we will keep the momentum and continue growing the game community with regular marketing activities until the next development milestones.

We have also seen several people asking about collabs and partnerships. We intend for collaborations to play interesting roles in some of our marketing campaigns. Games and gamified activities enable us to create innovative collab formats for communities to discover new experiences and feel truly connected with their NFTs.

We intend for our community members to start building unique memories way before becoming players in our games.

Hint: we also intend to involve Flameys in some exclusive ways.

We have already initiated some early discussions with Web3-game projects that we find inspiring.

As we get closer to our reveal campaign, we will also initiate new discussions with communities & projects we haven’t approached yet.

For now, we are still very much focused on the business development of Tribo Games and the development of our game.


