Trick Turner
1 min readJul 11, 2017


Oppo research doesn’t break any laws. I can’t think of any scenario in which oppo research can be illegal without getting very creative. It can definitely look bad though. I’ve heard people use the term “political malpractice” in regards to this.

You go on to describe the classic “coverup without a crime” scenario, but I think even that is a stretch, as I don’t really see the coverup. Firing Comey doesn’t prevent this non-story from being discovered, that’s speculation/wishfull thinking/etc. I wish more people could remember the way they felt about Comey prior to Trump firing him — that he was a two-bit political hack incapable of doing his job that Obama should have fired.

I’m sure if the Democrats reclaim Congress (which I don’t think they will), they’ll find some reason to impeach. I’m worried of the long term implications of this, especially in the current political environment that I assume will be the new normal.

