10 Facts Representing the Culture of India to Business Owners

3 min readSep 16, 2015


With 325 languages and 1,652 dialects, India is as diverse as the varied flora and fauna species existing on earth. So no doubt that the culture in India is very diverse and varies from state to state. But, a few common traits can be seen in every Indian that gives birth to a unique culture.

The Indians religiously abide by their festivals, architecture, folk dances, customs, food, music, traditions, beliefs and values. So, if you are a foreign entrepreneur, wishing to do business with a multifarious country like India then you must keep tandem with some basic cultural differences that forms the foundation of the colorful Indian society:

1. Hierarchy

Strict hierarchy is followed among the Indians in a family and also in business. In India, parents are the boss and their children follow their advice. As per a global Indian language translation company, in an Indian organization, the employees who lie at a lower hierarchy position are actually not very open to their superiors.

2. Earning Credibility

Indians usually do business with only those people whom they know and trust. Therefore, building relationships with Indians is very important to earn credibility in business.

3. Greetings

Saying ‘Namaste’ and folding hands in respect, is a sign of greeting in India. Normally, in business, handshakes are also a part of greeting one another. However, it is suggested to shake the hands with the senior most people, first.

4. Social Interactions

People in India are very friendly to each other and love to socialize. Conversations over mail and telephone would not really work that the social interactions will.

5. Never Interfere With Customs

It would be great if you never interfere with their beliefs, customs and traditions. Never plan to conduct a meeting on their festival or national holidays. Plan the meeting in advance and inform everyone in writing and that too individually.

[Resources: http://www.tridindia.co.in/6-ways-to-redefine-quality-in-translation-services.html ]

6. Final Decisions

Final decisions are generally taken by the senior most people. So, a decision or approval by the head of the department would be acceptable.

7. Saying ‘No’

People in India consider saying ‘no’, as a sign of disrespect. Hence, they say their decision in an indirect way like ‘We’ll try our level best’ or ‘We’ll see’ etc.

8. Time

Indians are quite flexible with time. However, in business, a delay in time would not leave a good first impression on you.

9. Trust

Indians do not easily trust anyone in business. So, if you are doing business with them, they would expect honesty and intricate discussions from your end.

10. Connect On Personal Level

Your Indian business client would like if you connect to him on a personal level and build trustful relations in business. But also do not over-do it, as it may irritate the Indian client.

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Being just some basic and general points, these points will help you benefit a lot while doing business in India. However, these may differ from one company to another, but certainly, on a broad spectrum you will be aware about the common traits that almost every Indian has.




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