A Letter to the Community

Trinity Protocol
Published in
4 min readOct 9, 2018

To the Community,

First of all, I will see to it that the community has a direct access to the developers via email and/or Telegram. Previously the devs found this strange as people who do coding can easily talk to them via Github, we now realize that most people are not that tech savvy. However, given the domestic circumstances we will not show the team bio for the near future, and in the longer run, it won’t matter.

Secondly, this recent silence from the dev team is due to the fact we are in the phase of adjustment and re-planning of the roadmap which takes a lot of time discussing. We are working with NNS on this front and others as well. So far, we don’t think Trinity network is mature enough to pursue the original directions on the current roadmap. I must admit we were over-optimistic of the progress we as an industry could make in a given time. So now we re-adjust and intend to address this by providing more user-friendly tools and more customizable infrastructure. The new roadmap will focus on network health (more nodes, easier to access and customize and plausible economic model), among other exciting things. This will be the core of the next 12 months, given the understanding that the success of Trinity network is built up by genuine adoption. We also acknowledge that we should give time for other entrepreneurs to catch up.

Thirdly, as a rebuttal I must say I disagree with the in-your-face pretty girl hype strategy in marketing. The game has changed. That might work superficially in a bull run when everything was still in the wild west era. That can hardly work to even cold start a project these days.

Our strategy is simple: to provide with the community the layer-2 infrastructure that future crypto-economy applications are built upon (with which I can proudly say our task force is strong and quick, given our achievements so far); and to provide easy-to-use highly-customizable tools and gadgets for project teams so they can focus on their core business logic instead of wasting time on building their own layer-2 solution.

This leads to marketing/education questions again. My answer is, neither our codes and products, nor the targeted users (apps) are ready. Once they are, the adoption should be spontaneous. Also, at the moment our priority is not being listed on exchanges but let me put it this way: our confidence in TNC does not just come from the future recovery of the general market but in particular from the future adoption of Trinity network by new ventures, and of course, from decentralizing the governance and economic model in the long run.

Currently, the partnership with Decentraland is healthy and we are pursuing some in-depth tech cooperation with them, which takes much longer than we thought to implement. Etheremon informed me of some exciting new endeavor and we will be looking into that. We reserve comments on the Hyperdragon one. The on-going routine dev update practice will continue, with more content to come.

We have realized that WOB in many ways is too much ahead of its time. But what we have learned from building this will be beneficial to both the gaming company and Trinity as the infrastructure. But in a time like this, that bitcoin trading volume is at a 13-month low, let alone more complicated apps, we can only keep going.

Finally, one thing does concern me. Trinity Tech Foundation still holds a lot of the TNC, which is not healthy to the network. We are in discussion, as we have pictured in the beginning of this project, to decentralize the supply mechanism of the token. The majority of the tokens left in the Foundation’s control should be and likely will be distributed to reward the contributors of the network through an automatic proof-of-work style mechanism. We will let you know once we have a mature plausible solution.

Some timelines:

We estimate in the remainder of this year, some of the gadgets and tools and improvements to the network codes will be gradually released. But we suspect they will be stable and refined till mid next year. In between there will be new developments on, say, another blockchain platform. In the meantime, we have a development plan that is almost twice as big as the contents I have revealed or implied, still under Trinity brand name, still with TNC. But please do wait for our official release of the new roadmap.

I want to express the gratitude for the patience and understanding from our community. I know it is a terrible time financially, but a great time to cool down and build things. I still remember the midnight cold back in early ’15, but this time we are determined.

P.S. I will have devs come around and do AMA sometime, I will show up as well. But folks, I don’t want to come to you guys empty-handed.


Trinity Telegram Channel: https://t.me/TrinityStateChannels

Official Website: https://trinity.tech/#/

Trinity Github: https://github.com/trinity-project

