Trinity Biweekly Report — Late June

Trinity Protocol
Published in
4 min readJul 4, 2018

Development Progress



1. Routing nodes environment configuration;

2. Exported routing nodes environment bilingual files;

3. Launched experience website;

4. Exported experience bilingual files;

5. Fixed the opened state channel bugs when the web wallet reconnected;

6. Fixed the bug of channel names and detail display of the web wallet;

7. Fixed feedback bugs when error occurs on on-chain payment;

8. Corrected faults when building channels

9. Fixed bugs of optimization when multiple channels exist

10. Fixed bugs in routing nodes topology awareness;

11. Fixed bugs on ID recognition of state channels;

12. Optimize cli command prompt

13. Fixed frequent sending monitor txid bugs when the wallet is in closed state;

14. Fixed bugs in opening command when ports are occupied;

15. Fixed bugs of payment latency when no channels available;

16. Fixed bugs during switching state channels;

17. Finished the automatic maintenance capability development based on NEO full nodes.

18. Finished the unified rpc package of NEO-full-nodes and ETH-full-nodes sate channel enhances;

19. Developing sate channel wallet app.


1.Finished ETH-full-nodes state channel enhanced rpc development;

2.Finished the automatic maintenance ability development based on ETH full nodes;

3. Developing ETH-supportive state channel wallet app.


The release of the Neo-based Trinity State Channel Protocol.

(Please refer to previous articles)


Since the release of Trinity Protocol on Jun 27th, we have received massive feedback from the community. Some users began configuring nodes on testate and the mainnet. A number of users experienced the Trinity state channel with Trinity explorer, Trinity Faucet, T Store and Trinity wallet. They feedback with valuable suggestions and ideas, which will promote the continuous optimization of the open-source Trinity protocol.

The first node from community on the testnet

The team always welcomes more involvement in the Trinity network. As an open-source and inclusive platform, we encourage users to build their own nodes. This is a milestone for Trinity, and a starting point of universal off-chain scaling solution. In the future, Trinity team will continuous optimize the Trinity Protocol, sustain the stability of Trinity network and provide better user experience. Using state channel to build Dapp is also welcomed! We are happy to see every community member a builder of Trinity ecosystem.

Trinity State Channel Instructions

State Channel Experience website::

Trinity Sate Channel Experience Guide Page
  1. Trinity Explorer:
Trinity Explorer

Users could search for state channel status, node names etc.

2.Trinity Faucet:

Trinity Faucet

Users could draw TNC test tokens and experience state channels.

3.Trinity State Channel On-line Shopping:

Trinity State Channel On-line Shopping

Users could experience on-line shopping using Trinity state channel to make the payment.

4.Trinity State Channel Wallet:

Trinity State Channel Wallet

Users could experience state channel with the wallet and explorer.

5.Trinity Node Configuration:

Users could refer to this file and configure nodes.

Community AMA

David Li, Founder of Trinity, did an on-line AMA with the community on youtube. In addition to the issues going on with Trinity, he also explained the details with trinity outlook, direction and the benefit of building Trinity nodes.(

Trinity Chinese Telegram:

Trinity English Telegram:



