Trinity Q&A Series: answer to the node set-up and the restrictions

Trinity Protocol
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2018

Trinity deployed its Ethereum version of State Channels on 31st August 2018. With the current state of the market many long-term holders are now failing to meet the fiat requirements for setting up a node despite the collateral being very high, how do you intend on keeping the community interested, especially with the lack of liquidity on the current exchanges? There was also confusion as to why there was a restriction on the amount of people who could apply for the node set up tool.

The release of Trinity-ETH has broadened the user base. Though NEO is successful as a public chain, the Ethereum gathers a more prosperous ecosystem and holds more demand for state channels. Trinity-ETH is also showcased itself as a universal off-chain solution without strong coupling to a certain public chain.

As we previously mentioned in the document, Trinity network requires $800 worth of TNC to set up a node. This is not a high cost for those who want to run the nodes in the long term. As the ecosystem matures, node runners will recover this cost and profit with channel fees. It is also easy for them to quit the network whenever they want. Liquidity shortage on exchanges does not necessarily relate to the node-setting deposit. TNC is always available on the market.

Applications of Trinity state channel is on the horizon. Games are our initial test ground. But it is important to note that Trinity is a second layer network based on state channel technology and the performance of each node depends on the capacity of its own hardware. Similarly, the volume of a dapp has a lot to do with its own user base and popularity. Thus, the volume of a dapp using Trinity routing nodes does not justify the performance of Trinity network.

We encourage everyone to set up nodes without any limitation on the number of node-runners. More nodes in Trinity, the faster and more stable Trinity network becomes. The restriction we had is for the usage of the simple node deployment platform, because the current one-click deployment tool is running on the cloud sever provided by Trinity Foundation, which however does not have endless budget for users. Within the capacity of the sever, we have admitted as many community members as possible based on their activeness, contribution and the amount of token held in their ETH address. Based on the feedback, we would modify the simple node deployment tool if necessary in the further plans, for instance, publishing a simple deployment tool with inside cloud server purchase so as to eliminate the restriction on applications.

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