Photo by Joel Bengs.

The Lifestyle Brand Blueprint For Tomorrow’s Companies

Lifestyle consumers are changing. Your brand should, too.

Jasmine Bina
9 min readFeb 7, 2019


Lifestyle brands have existed for a very, very long time. From Pears Soap of the early 1800s, to the Marlboro Man of the 1950s and the Glossiers of today, all of these brands are part of the same lifestyle heritage.

The existence of lifestyle branding hasn’t changed. What has changed, however, is the role that lifestyle brands have played in our lives over time.

Early lifestyle brands were gatekeepers that informed us of our stations in life and how to act within them. You used a certain soap in order to be a good member of society. You shaved your legs if you were an upstanding woman.

This reflected a larger truth about the consumer. We looked to institutions for meaning. Government, marriage, education, class, career — all of these goalposts sorted us among our peers.

From left: Pears Soap prescribing identity, Marlboro promising the life not lived, Glossier creating a likeminded tribe.

In the late 20th century through to today, things took a dramatic shift. Our goal posts began to evaporate and those same institutions (known more commonly as the corporate ladder, the American Dream and the nuclear family…



Jasmine Bina
Concept Bureau Insights

Cultural Futurist and Strategist. I'm the CEO of Concept Bureau ( and Co-Founder of Exposure Therapy (