Ferruccio Lamborghini’s legend lives on today.

Understanding Brand Legends Will Make You A Master Marketer

How do you make a legend?

Jasmine Bina
11 min readAug 7, 2017


Yes, you can decode the power of a brand legend.

But first, let’s start by defining what a brand legend is not, because a lot of people tend to confuse the matter.

A brand legend is not heritage. It’s not history. It’s not fiction. It’s not a good story you tell others or yourself.

A brand legend, as I define it, is a narrative that makes people see their own lives differently.

Yes, history, heritage, a little creative license and a good story help, but they are not defining factors.

Ferruccio Lamborghini — A man seriously committed to clapping back.

Ferruccio Lamborghini was the founder of a tractor factory that brought him huge financial success after WWII. By his 60’s, he was a rich, happy man, and like other rich and happy men of the time, he owned a Ferrari.

You’d think a luxury car would be engineered with custom parts, but Lamborghini, a mechanic himself, realized that his Ferrari 250 GT was in fact made with many of the same basic parts as his tractors — and it was part of the reason why he was often forced to take his car in for repairs.



Jasmine Bina

Cultural Futurist and Strategist. I'm the CEO of Concept Bureau (www.conceptbureau.com) and Co-Founder of Exposure Therapy (https://www.exposuretherapy.com/)