CCI Commons students playing Super Smash Bros. in the 1st floor lounge. (© Tristan Isham)

For CCI Students What’s The Benefit of Attending CCI Commons Events?

Tristan Isham
3 min readDec 12, 2016


It was a cold December day in the Olson residence hall on Kent State University’s main campus when the CCI commons, a living learning community consisting of Journalism, Visual Communicative Design, DMP, and Communications majors, gathered in the first floor main lounge for one of two events hosted for the benefit of students that month.

Marianne Warzinski presenting to a group of students.

This event, like the many others hosted by the commons, was built for the students of the living learning community to help foster communications between members and to provide information to assist students with getting through college.

As students filed into the first floor lounge with the promise of free pizza and pop Marianne Warzinski, the director of the CCI commons, sets up here presentation about preparing for finals and winter break.

“It’s a nice way for the students to get a chance to meet somebody” Warzinski says, referencing the students who come to events.

According to Warzinski, occurring two to three times a month a variety of speakers — from college staff members, to outside employers — visit the commons to help guide students, primarily sophomores and freshman, through experiences at Kent State University and career choices relating to human communication. These events also inform and provide students with jobs and tasks both within, and outside of the college. According to the living learning communities blog, students have the options to work on projects such as videos for the commons, and to traveling abroad with the college to such exotic locations as Florence, Italy and South Korea.

Warzinski goes on to talk about how she tries to schedule events for the benefit of students, who are primarily freshman and sophomores, with a focus on growth and communications.

Cameron Hoover (left) | Olson Hall sign (right)

Many student feel the benefit of these events, including those who often direct and help staff. Cameron Hoover, The event coordinator of the CCI Commons, talks about the benefits of having these community events for students as a way to inform and build camaraderie.

“Well I think a lot of them [events] have certain values that they can teach you.”

Hoover talks about one of his favorite events, Meet Your Professor, and how professors from all across the major come in and discuss class etiquette, and give advice on how to do well in college.

“I learned a lot from these events, and I think that any freshman can come in here and [learn]” says Hoover on the topic. “It creates a sense of camaraderie within the community.” he adds.

The Olson Lounge as students grab pizza during an event.

As the event comes to a close, a collection of student lay sprawled over the couches that fill the lounge, groaning as they turn with the quantity of pizza they had gorged themselves on shifting in their stomach. A student turns over and mentions something about the presentation and the room erupts in light hearted laughter. Whether or not the students learned something one thing is for sure. Camaraderie has been made, and a bond has been formed.



Tristan Isham

A scatterbrain writer with a passion for technology, fascination of stationary, and interests in philosophy, politics, gaming, and formatting.