Writing for the Sake of it…

Tristan Muzzu
1 min readJan 8, 2024


Sometimes you don't have a compelling story to tell.

Or a Lesson or Tips & hacks to teach people.

Occasionally, you just write an article, because you need to.
Because you told yourself that you would stay consistent and write a new blog every day, week, or other timespan.

Because sometimes it's just about practice, and showing yourself that you can pull through.

Even when you’re out of good ideas, it's late and you rather want to go to bed, or you just feel plain lazy.

Quite honestly, that's what I'm up to right now. There's nothing behind this article that will change your life, but maybe it will at least give you something to think about.

That sometimes writing something short and not even that sweet, when you don't feel like writing anything at all, is good because it proves to yourself that you can stay consistent. That you can achieve your goals and improve.

I'll leave you with a final thought.

“What is life for, if not to get better? For in the end, I shall rather have my legacy be forgotten, than to never have had one at all.”



Tristan Muzzu

I share the knowledge of an 18 year old, who's trying to get ahead in life. Hope you guys enjoy it.