Trivver Token Pre-Sale Announcement

Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2018


Today is an exciting day!

I wanted to first thank everyone who has propelled Trivver to where we are today. It has been an exciting journey thus far and it’s only the beginning!

In our relentless commitment to drive XR adoption and momentum, we are happy to announce the TRVR token sale.

Today, pre-sale TRVR tokens can be purchased with a bonus until June 5, 2018.

Pre-Sale Bonuses
May 14th, 2018 12:00 UTC 1 ETH = 1350 TRVR (80% Bonus)
May 19th, 2018 12:00 UTC 1 ETH = 1200 TRVR (60% Bonus)
May 24th, 2018 12:00 UTC 1 ETH = 1050 TRVR (40% Bonus)
May 29th, 2018 12:00 UTC 1 ETH = 900 TRVR (20% Bonus)

The public token sale begins on June 15, 2018 and will close on September 28, 2018.

Token Sale Details:

  • Under the terms of the sale, 1 ETH is equivalent to 750 TRVR (1 TRVR ~ 0.00133 ETH)
  • Hard Cap: 30 million TRVR tokens are available for purchase of the finite supply of 60 million total TRVR.
  • All available TRVR will be issued during the distribution period, of which, 50 percent will be allocated to the public and 50 percent will be allocated to the reserve to be held by the company and used to stimulate growth in the Trivver XR advertising ecosystem by rewarding participants with TRVR.
  • All TRVR not distributed will be burned.

Token Sale Summary

TRVR is the currency for the Smart Object Economy. We are launching a token sale in order to accelerate the build out of our Smart Objects catalog and to incentivize developers to participate through a system of rewards and payments of TRVR. Developers can earn TRVR for building and adding smart objects to the catalog. They can also use TRVR to list the smart object in Trivver’s inventory and establish authorship of the object. As the author, developers will receive royalties paid in USD from Trivver whenever revenues are generated by the smart object — from a publisher using it to build XR content or by an advertiser using it for future XR ad campaigns.

To dive in and receive detailed information on our TRVR token sale, please visit our website and read our whitepaper.

Interested in learning more? Hope so! Read about today’s exciting news here and come join the conversation on Telegram and Twitter.



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Premiere advertising exchange for Extended Reality (XR) environments — 3D, virtual reality, mixed reality and augmented reality