DEV UPDATE — TronWatch Market Beta 2.0

3 min readFeb 15, 2019


With the release of our decentralized exchange fast approaching, we would like to give everyone a quick update on the development of TronWatch Market..

We are only a few weeks away from the release of the final version of the exchange, and with every week that passes we encounter new challenges. But we also get more confident that this exchange will be everything the community has been asking for.

While developing TronWatch Market, the most important thing for us is the security of our users. This is why our exchange will be going through a comprehensive auditing process within the next few weeks.
Once the security audit is complete, we will review our code once more and then release an updated version of the DEX for another round of testing before the final product is launched.

The development process for the exchange is separated into three key parts; the Backend which manages maker orders and additional data, the Smart Contract which facilitates trades and controls tokens, and the Frontend which is where users interact with the backend and smart contract. You will find a small update on these things written by our team of developers below.

We aim to keep you informed throughout the entire process and ask for your help to find and report bugs that you encounter in the beta. This way we can make sure to patch them before the final version of the DEX goes live.

The exchange backend is still being improved. Notable additions since Beta 1.0 are TRC10 support, support for delegated trades (100% free trading, we even cover the TRON transaction fees) and statistics.

We switched to the shasta testnet for beta 2.0 in the hopes of making it easier for users to play around with the exchange.

Smart Contracts
The exchange smart contract is complete, fully tested, and we are scheduling the audit now. We implemented the features in our whitepaper and added a new one allowing the exchange operator to cover transaction fees. With this, users who purchase the free trading discount can trade without any cost — no trading fees and no TRON transaction fees.

Up next, the Listing Manager contract. This will allow token owners to list tokens and manage metadata on TronWatch.Market through smart contract calls.

Thanks to feedback from the community, we have taken a closer look into the UI/UX portion of the exchange. We are aiming for a modern and up-to-date feel for the frontend and have been working hard to convert our design over to it.

This is going to be an ongoing process of reworking components, but by the mainnet release you should have a better feel for the final design.

Visual aspect aside, we have also been rewriting what’s going on under the hood. We are cleaning up a lot of the sites functionality, both improving optimization and future adaptation of new updates and features. This is essential for long-term support of the DEX, and so far it is going great. You won’t see much change regarding this part, but just know it’s well worth it!

There is still a lot of work left to do, but most of it is fine tuning the exchange and making sure that we deliver a solid product that meets and exceeds the expectations we and the community have in this project.

If you have any questions, thoughts or suggestions regarding TronWatch Market, make sure to join our Telegram channel and follow us on Twitter for the latest updates.

Our Team

TronWatch is formed by a dynamic team of experienced developers from all around the world including Canada, United States, United Kingdom and Germany.

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